Horizon won't recognize my USB or my Xbox contents in it but Modio will

You should only be formatting the USB with your Xbox. If it is formatted or configured with anything other than the xbox it wont work.

i tryed all this things but the problem stills

my usb is formatted and when i plug it in xbox it becomes configured without clicking anything but horizon cant detect it and there is no space used in the usb

can you give me a name of application which can configure a usb

Plug your USB drive into your 360.
Go to system settings, memory.
Highlight your USB drive and hit Y. It should let you configure the drive for use on the 360.

You don’t need to use any other type of software to configure it for 360 use.

Make sure there’s a Content folder on the flash drive.

yes there is a content but it takes no space in it ,it is 7.53 gb usb and it still as it is when i plug it in xbox ,it automatically configure it and there is no customize and configure now after i format it

plz help me guys:(

Hi, is the issue here already solved? I got the same problem. Horizon does not detect my 8g usb.
I’m using a lenovo laptop running windows 7 platform, and using horizon 2.8.
Please help me guys. Thank you!:slight_smile:

ok, i had the same problem as all of you… you simply have to configure the usb on the xbox then transfer something from the xbox hardrive to your usb (can be something small like an unused profile or something) this will create all the folders on your usb and will allow horizon to detect it.

This thread is 3 years old. Even if they didn’t manage to fix it by themselves yet I doubt they even care anymore.

@Chris close this one please