How to demote someone in call of duty black ops

yes i knew this since the first week the game was out, i still do it to people to piss them off :laughing:

My friend did this to me xD… I didn’t really care since I was level 30 no prestige :smile:

This is old

But funny.:smiley:

nothing new… this is what happens if u try to do the old prestige glitch

HaHaHa Nice Dude

sorry, im a little confused, is this a glitch, or is this like you attempt the auto prestige glitch, with them not knowing so then it resets them? ( can someone please explain lol )

Nice tut. LOL

could you post a video on this. i just wanna see this in action, it sounds epic

Umm this is way old news. This is how they stopped the prestiege glitch.

I do it to randoms (:

“How to make a person hate you in the world of black ops”

Yeaaaa this isnt kool. lol

my mate did it to this randomer and he said he was going to kill his dog and all his family for demoting his to 15th lvl1 :L xD

I’m pretty sure this is old and also it’s a copy. I’ve seen this posted in places numerous times. I don’t see why anyone would bother to post it again and especially around this time when treyarch are patching most of game glitches.

Thanks, Uzi.

yea i remember this :stuck_out_tongue: my friend did it to someone i kno also they were so pissed

lol this used to be the way you could prestige without being level 50. until they patched it