First, you’re going to need a hex editor, I use Hex Workshop
Second, you’re going to want to put 1010 gold in a barrel and a item you want to swap with another item.
I put in “Elven Armor” + 1010 gold.
Save your game, open in Horizon, extract the savegame.dat and open that in Hex Workshop.
Now press Ctrl + F and make sure you settings are 32 bit signed long, little endian, all instances, and for the value put the amount of gold you have.
Press ok and it might show 1 or many instances. Mine has 26 for some reason.
No matter how many you have, you want to keep searching until you have the Hex for Gold(40000F) in front of the amount of money you searched.
The black is the hex for Gold, and the yellow is the amount of gold that you put in the barrel. Now I put in Elven armor besides the gold in the barrel.
Refer to the list here for item codes Gamefront
Now the Id for elven armor is 000896A3, now if I look near where my money was in the Hex editor, I can find my elven armor.
And the 01 after that means there is one of elven armor that I put into the barrel. So now you go back to that list and look for a item you want to swap the elven armor with.
The id for Dragon armor is 00013966, but you have to do one thing before you replace the hex, you have to replace the 0 before the first real integer with a 4. so it would be 00413966.
Then you just paste your new item code over the old item.
Then you’re done, replace the savegame.dat in your skyrim package, rehash and resign, and check the barrel again.
• If when you search through the instances of your money and it doesn’t have the hex for gold before it(40000F) don’t mess with it.
• Take your time, doing this wrong will either freeze your game upon load or you will lose items. Always make a backup.