How to play Warface in English

I can’t seem to find Local > Mail.Ru > Warface > Game > Localized in the appdata folder.

Any help?

Anyone know the system requirements for this game?

nvm, on game site lol.

Whats the password?


It’s in the tutorial.

I’ve done everything as told in the tutorial and it worked great until the last patch - no its russian (i’ve deleted the old pak files and copied the newest one but it doesn’t work)
any suggestions?

It should work fine in the last patch. Try to re-add the files. I recently updated.

Could you make a video tut of the appdata thing?Or maybe a tut for windows XP?Cuz when I go to AppData I dont see any LOCAL file.PLS HELP…
PS:I got windows XP

sgt frankieboy thank for help but i have a problem
in this step what “link below” ? i dont understant this please help me
i need to install the game ofter i quit and enter again

I found what’s wrong with the language issue. This is what I did:

Each time the client updates, you are unable to turn the language to English; even if you replace the files. Reinstall the game, copy the English files again and you are ready to go :thumbsup:

Added it to the OP so people don’t need to look through the thread :thumbsup:

Thanks for this manual :slight_smile:
I and my frieds here in germany playing this game all the time.

Can you explain how to translate the game into german ? I dont know which programm i should use to open the .pak files.


Hey, a big youtuber linked us :stuck_out_tongue:

Giving XboxMb a good image :wink:

It wont download automaticly

I have installed the launcher in the first few steps, but it didn’t start downloading automatically. What should I do. I don’t know if there is a button or not, because it’s in Russian.

Edit: Nevermind. I restarted the program and it started correctly.

i get to the point just after i have finished downloading it and try to instal but it does instal past 3% just comes up with a message that i dont understand as it is in russian. what do i do?

got past this problem now have a new problem of it wont let me create a character name or see the face i selected. i can only put in numbers and symbols

just finished redownloading the game and installed it and problem is still there. any solutions?

It wont let me type the nick name in-game

It can only contain letters and Russian letters and some special characters.

I don’t have a folder named “Local” in my appdata.