I cant download WeMod

It gives me a error to see the logs and does not download any fixes (any link i try wont work, I got Microsoft.NET, and others ,and also I have a admin account.)

Most likely your antivirus stopping the download. Need to whitelist the 2 wemod exe’s

I have no antivirus enabled I always turn it off when its on

It gives me this error image

When you disable your antivirus, Windows Defender takes over. As it is built into the OS, it cannot be removed. 99% of the time we see this error it is an antivirus or firewall-related issue.

See here and follow these steps: I can’t Install WeMod / "There was a error installing the application".

thank you so much i really need you to get this at a higher part in the forums

You are very welcome.

Has the issue been resolved? :slight_smile:

Yes it has

Good to hear. Enjoy the game with WeMod. :slight_smile: