I have infinite halo 4 double xp matches?

Open Me

So I have 900 double xp matches in halo right now and I’ve been pushing them out to friends of mine and I have a couple giveaways on here. Everytime I click “submit” to add matches to an account it just stays there. So I can just mash submit and nothing happens. But for every account I do this to it says I have 200 matches on this person and I cant add anymore because its maxed. Only thing is, it doesn’t take it away. Is this happening to anyone else? or am I just getting lucky and I’ve created an infinite well of halo double xp.

Edit: My account was fixed the next day so it no longer works, please stop spamming my inbox.

I would love to get some! Well no it has not been happening to me and also how do you get so much?

Edit: 1337^ Post

I don’t know. You probably came across a Glitch. Don’t tell Microsoft. :wink:
That’s great though. Nice to hear about this.

Being in Nebraska, no one knows about the Dorito codes on the side of the bag. Also, I’m no a p***y and I just stand there and write them down in my phone. Every single one. Other people try to hide it and sneak pictures. I make sure I’m accurate and look like I’m not doing anything wrong(which I’m not) then I put all the bags back neatly and no one is harmed.

i hate u…

Well, I won’t have the game until later but if you’d love to share some of that double XP with me I’d love to send you my gamertag and see if it is possible. :smile: :smile:

Lucky :anguished:

So I take it its just me? lol jeez, wtf happened?

Can I get some please? I only have 3 lol

I would love some x2. c: I didnt get any since i wasnt aware there was a x2 Promotion. XD

i dont have none! and im getting the game tomorrow. so i would love it if you could help a brotha out!

Just did Mierd5

I guess pm me and I’ll do you too lol(it can take some time)

That’s me! :thumbsup: Legit obviously. Thank you once again :smile:

can you please add double xp to bcast is cute thanks

You cant add by GT
only by actually signing into them because dewxp.com requires verification that it is you because last year everyone gave away a ton of xp.

Hey can you give some to my friend D3adlyJav45

He’s getting the game next week after they clean up from Sandy and it’d cheer him up. I’ve got my 200 and I gave him 70 as well.

Do these even work in the UK? If so, send one my way. Thx.

I would love some double xp :smiley:

can i get some pleeeease

Can I have some please bud? :smile: