ICARUS Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I agree, many options failed after latest update. Sit back, relax, they will come.

Indeed. And it even appears in the works. They are awesome and the ‘training wheels’ for this game are greatly appreciated.

Just downloaded WeMod and am very excited about trying these tweaks to Icarus. I realize the cheats are being updated because the game was just updated. Are there any that are working atm? Thanks in advance all. Cheers!

Thanks for creating this MrAntiFun! I don’t have a ton of time to play and this will make the exploration of this cool game that much more enjoyable to me. Cheers to you!

The ICARUS cheats have been updated!


  • Fly Up cheat added
  • Fly Down cheat added

Hope you enjoy! Take a gander at the “linkarus” discord server, it’s where the modding happens. It’s not hard at all you judt drag and drop files, and there aren’t many mods. But those mods and this trainer make the game all it should be.

Of course try without them and what not - but then think about what it’s like to have 4 mod slots on your envirosuits and no negatives on the workshop items you buy.

Thank goodness for Mr. Antifun because CH flat out won’t make trainers since the game updates weekly.

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You guys are awesome!! Thanks!!


The unlimited health works on me and also the mob, i cant die and the bear cant die.

Same here

That is the durability cheat, not the health cheat. You will need to disable the cheat.

the durability cheat is not even on, i have only health cheat on and i can dance with the bear

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i can also confirm that the health cheat is linked with the bears , polar bears for me anyways

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me too never use the durability cheat its 100% the health cheat turn it on and try fighting a polar bear dude wont die i guarantee it

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It’s really the health thing. Health will be buffed to restore after getting hit. Same for animals now. You will have to take them down really fast or crit them down in stealth. Bigger animals like bears or crocs won’t die due to low damage and repated health buffs.

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adding Solo points work but the Talent points dont seem to work. Even started a fresh character to test.

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Then it has been changed because it was never that way before. If someone wants to provide instructions for finding a bear then MAF can look into it.

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I think so too. It is the same mechanic for all enemies - this effect can be watched if the skill to see enemie’s health bar is used. You just kill the smaller ones too fast for this life-refill-mechanic so that one could assume it’s only the bears… Tried to activate and deactivate durabilty - no change. Enemies get vulnerable again if you don’t use health option.


Bears is the smaller Problem, you can do dmg fast enough when you surprise them. Bosses are on another level.

Impossible to kill scorpion and sandworm. Got the wolf easy. The life of the other two stays the same

To be able to kill scorpions and bears and other animals i just notices you have to have Unlimitet Durability disabled and for some animals you need to have Unlimited Health disabled to be able to kill them.

The ICARUS cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements