If You Could Add One Tool, What Would It Be?

The three Lost Planet titles

blops1 and blops2 zombie mods

If it would be something of a surprise, lets get more RPG mod tools out there. I am trying to learn how to mod myself, but i’m clueless on how to make a mod tool. My Game of choice for a tool would be a Resonance of Fate game save editor.

how about Skyrim or borderlands 2:thumbsup:

I just want “dc” on it. You pick the colours and design.

Devil May Cry 1 HD. Need to find out a way to have Devil Trigger with the Sparda sword throughout the entire game + unlimited Devil Trigger! :smile:

A tool to unban sunkist :smile:

Skate tools and something to modify XDBF/GPD setting entries.

Oakley Sunglasses


Left 4 Dead 1 . Not 2 since that is already on there.

Half Life 2 ?
Wolfenstein ?
Black Ops ? (Don’t know if there is one)

Great Tools tbh…


things like gold modifier, dog breed selecter, guild seals modifier, the ability to reset, and change what the players hero weapons have for upgrades, weapon modifiers,(including damages, and ranges for guns) skill level editor(1-Thru-5), character model modifier(allows changing of the players hero model to other models, I.e. hallow man, hobbe, soldier, elite guard, etc., etc.) a legendary weapon modifier / adder, character editor(good, evil, dyes, etc.), and also a silver / gold key modifier and demon door opener, and quest modifier. I think that with all of those options put into one tool for FABLE 3, that would allow people to have an actually working and flexible mod tool and of course there is more things to add, those are just the better ideas that I could think of.

fable 3

Scarface the game!

Test Drive unlimited 2 like so you can change the avatar colors,Put cars in you’re garage instead of Hex

Charlie Murder

A Diablo 3 Character editor.

Items (Weapons, Potions, Armor, Misc) (Magic, Rare, Legend, Sets)
Item Quality
Experience and Level.
This would be awesome to see if possible :smile:


Madden 25!

i would say gta online

Yeah, and then people will complain when they get banned.