Everytime I try to run a trainer, I get error code: 9. I’m on windows 10 64 bit. Was trying to run the Slime Rancher trainer. Also let me know if I need all these files in my Malwarebytes Malware Exclusions and Web Exclusions or if there is just specific files or a file. Also I didn’t have this problem at all with v1.0 of infinity. Thanks for your time.
Yeah I have this problem as well, I tried running it with admin privilege and no antivirus on but it refuses to get past this 1 notification.
Hey guys, give the latest update a shot. Infinity will auto update, but you can run the installer again to be sure. Thanks for the report!
Unfortunately the same issue still. I tried running the updater just incase that would make a difference. Should I just reinstall the program?
Damn okay. I’m going to keep digging. No need to uninstall Is this happening with all of the trainers?
Seems to work for Civ 5
Scratch that, seems to be working completely, I have no idea what the problem was. EDIT: FFxiii crashes on load. EDIT2: got it to load using a custom launcher but the mods don’t do anything? EDIT3: Back to error code 9 again, this is beyond me.
I have the same problem. And im using avast…
It happening to me. Admin.
Seems to be every game I try. The game will boot just fine when using Infinity, it seems to be when it tries to load the trainer. At least that is what I speculate where the problem is popping up since the game loads when launching from Infinity. Also I get the error even if I load the game first then try to load a trainer.
Press CTRL+Shift+D
and see if there are any red error messages. Copy and paste everything here that starts with [trainer
I’m having the same problems with 2.0. I’m uploading the error search as well. I have no idea what it means, but so far Civ 6 isn’t loads but won’t work (I posted there too), and Dishonored fails to load the game. Only Mafia 3 works for me.
Does it take longer for the error message to show up than it did in the previous version of Infinity?
For me, not really. About the same amount of time.
Did that and can’t find [trainer anywhere, with looking with my own eyes or with ctrl+f.
Can you show everything that has [trainer
in it? Not just the errors.
@TechMonkey @LoneStrider21 Are you running Infinity as Administrator? If you are, try running it as a normal user.
Edit: Try the latest version of Infinity. I fixed an issue with the program running as Administrator.
It seems running the program as administrator is the issue, as I didn’t get the error code pop up when I turned admin off. Strange.
I think this is fixed then!
Who it would fall to should make a pinned thread that lists all error codes as well as the solutions discovered for each, it would be helpful for the future and could cut down on threads about error codes, that have already been solved. Would probably be best to lock comments on it though so that it is a pure bug solution post, up to you guys though.