Infinity won't detect hitman

When I launch hitman (2016) , won’t detect it so I can’t Mod!!!
Pls help

Click on Find Game.

It’s not working for me either. It found my Hitman game but when I press start game it says it has trouble finding the game.

Run game then attach infinity.

This trainer is for hitman 2016 btw

Exactly the same here.

Same here too

It won’t let me take a screen shot so I took a photo. Why does it say Hitmanâ? Is it because there’s a TM symbol in the path name?

On my system, Hitman is located at E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Hitman™\Launcher.exe.

There should be a way to manually set the path to the game instead of only Infinity trying to locate it automatically.

It looks like you are having a mismatch with regards to the file’s location/PATH, as STEAM and the associated games, seem to be installed under E: drive, and not C:

That’s a UAC warning.

User Account Control settings can be easily disabled under Windows OS. Drag the slider all the way down to “Never notify”.

Turn OFF UAC, or just click on the YES button, as shown in your photo. Make sure the installed path of STEAM, as well as any games which you own on STEAM, is the same.

Try launching the game directly via STEAM first.

Steam seems to be launching some post-game-installation prerequisite installers. Like things that the game depends on. Try running the game in Steam first. Infinity basically tells Steam to launch the game, so we have no control over what Steam does.

And it seems that Steam doesn’t read the path in the correct encoding, causing the trademark symbol issue.


i also got problem to get hitman works. defender is off, UAC is off, no help. I use that -SKIP_LAUNCHER option to start hitman without option panel, no help.
Hitman absolution works (no need disable option panel).

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Step one: launch game.
Step two: press “start game” in infinity.

i use admin mode, i start game first then infinity. no help.

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Nope, still doesn’t work.

Yep, nothing works… each time, that is. For some reason, I’ve actually had it work only twice now, but I didn’t do anything different. In fact, I didn’t even launch Hitman first from Steam. Infinity finds it and launches it but it doesn’t launch the trainer and then says it can’t find the game. Weird. I was able to play for about 20 minutes before it crashed. Then, of course, I couldn’t launch it again with the trainer working.

Some solutions at the bottom of this thread.

This is going to be fixed in tomorrow’s update.

For now you can use the trainer if you run the game as admin and Infinity NOT as admin.

It also has said it has found the opener screen but when I press play, it does not open at all. I think the developers blocked this or something.

Run the dx11 or 12 version of the game (not sure which one the trainer is made for)

I think it’s 11 since I never used 12 :stuck_out_tongue: