Installation and Antivirus problems

Every time that I try to open a game using infinity I always get error #13. this only started happening when my antivirus (Bit defender) updated to the 2017 version. I attempted to run it as administrator to see if that would fix the problem but it didn’t. I attempted reinstalling infinity but when I do it says the installation has failed.

Add infinity to your AV exception then disable it. Which game is it ?

I’ve tried this but it still comes up with error #13. I’ve tried it with a few games like Dishonored,Dragon ball xenoverse,etc and the problem is the same.

What OS are you using?
Try to deactivate not only bitdefender but all options of it manually, usually in the settings. With most AV if you just “deactivate” them, just the real time scanning part gets deactivated.

I’m currently using windows 10.
I’d prefer to not completely deactivate my antivirus as I depend on it pretty heavily. Maybe just a way so I could get it to leave infinity alone?

Seeing that with win 10 the AV is good enough and I don’t want to know what shaddy sites you visit so you are heavily depending on it…

I’m not fully comfortable with Bitdefender as I never used it before but try to add Infinity as an exception as well as all the folders Infinity uses.
Might be that Infinity itself is not blocked but the injection routine or don’t know anything Infinity uses really.
That might be the only thing I can think of

I’ll be sure to try that out. Thanks!

You’re welcome. Please tell us if it worked. If not I’ll look further into what Bitdiddlydo does and maybe find a solution as to not deactivating it

Yes, I just tested it on a couple of games and it’s worked.
I did have to turn off certain aspects of bit defender for it to work but it worked none the less. Thank you!

No Problem.
Could you tell us what aspects to deactivate so we can tell everyone with the same problem?

This has to be the only case where antivirus truly blocked infinity and error code 13 has appeared for someone.

@frank bitdefender hates us :frowning:

It appears that you don’t have to turn off certain aspects of bit defender (Though this is what I was originally told to do) it seems that all you have to do is add whatever game you’re using infinity on to the exclusions tab.

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Hey, I have the same problem here. Can you tell me what exact files, folders and processes you excluded? And by the “exclusions” tab, do you mean the Exclusions tab in the “Antivirus” tab where it states “Excluded files and folders”, “Excluded extensions”, and “Excluded processes”?

Thanks in advance!

By the looks of it you have to add the game you want to play and Infinity to the list of excluded files and folders.
And that must be the tab. There wouldn’t be another tab to exclude files

Is there any way to fix this because I can’t play any of my games with mods.

Fix what? If bitdefender flags it as suspicious all the user can do is put it on the exclusion list. Frank could always request the people running bitdefender to unflag Infinity but that would take ttime

I haven’t ever had Bitdefender but mine does the same.

Explain “the same” Error code 13 ?.

The code says " Infinity failed to initialize the cheats. Try temporarily disabling your anti-spyware programs because they sometimes flag cheats as malicious software.

Error code: 13"

Yeah it’s permissions denied. Which antivirus are you using? Add infinity and the game to its exception list and see if that helps.

Maybe some change in infinity is now triggering antiviruses.