Installed it, went to log in program crashed and can't be found, installing again doesn't work

I can’t find the program it installed and I tried to log in, I also looked for it to uninstall and I can’t find it anywhere. Installing it again just has it hanging on downloading files forever. I am on a standard user account but it installed fine and went wrong when trying to log into my profile.

Reinstalling after removing the program icon from add/remove seems to have worked, but now I can’t get cheats to toggle.

Which game?

Hatered, Doom 2016, Borderlands 1 and Stick of Truth all all detected, but they also won’t let me enable cheats for any of htem.

Are you using an antivirus?

Yes Comodo and Avast is JUST set for web protection for websites nothing showed up for that.

Is there a checkmark next to Play? SoT and doom are up to date and shoudl work

You should still deactivate them and add infinity to its exception.
Especially Avast

Where do I find it under, is it just the desktop icon? I can’t find anything in programs.


Can’t find it there. :frowning:

Just open the file browser and paste %localappdata%\Infinity into the search bar. If you have infinity installed, the files will be there.

or in the run thing that comes up when you press win key + r

Says it can’t find it. Gaaaah!