Due to some games now having active scanning anti-cheat software that just looks at your computer to see if apps are running can we get a standby mode or something to “turn off” wemod? I have to close it through task manager every time I try to play Age of mythology because the overlay keeps running on its own in the background even when i have wemod fully exited and closed down
Thank you for sharing your suggestion. We appreciate cool ideas like yours.
While I’m not a software developer myself, I’m about 70% certain that WeMod would even be detectable in your computer’s RAM in some kind of standby mode.
After closing WeMod, you should just be able to right-click the WeMod icon in your system tray on the task bar then select the option to close the software. There is also an option in the settings menu to disable WeMod minimising to the system try instead of closing when you press the X button. Have you tried these?
Sadly yes I have and 90% of the time when I launch AoM:R for some reason the WEmod overlay starts up in the background and forces the game to close.
Edit: I dont blame you for this the dev/publisher for AoM:R needs to get their primary sensory organ out of their solid waste disposal chute.
Edit2: I just did this with a friend who is in school for programming and he watched has I exited Wemod as you said to checked Task Manager to make sure it was gone which it was then opened Age of Mythology and the WEmod overlay popped up and the game detected it and force closed …after I task manager force closed the overlay I could then run AoM part of me is wondering if its something on their end