Is there a way to pay with paypal?

Everytime i try to click paypal to pay … it tries to open a window and then it closes. same thing happens to the app, App says oops, something went wrong! Please try again.

Does anyone have any success paying with paypal ? i tried using another browser even. same thing happens.

Please help.

Hi. Have you already tried changing your internet connection from Wifi to Mobile data or Vice versa? You may also want to explore alternative payment methods to resolve any payment-related issues you may be experiencing. We currently accept major Credit and Debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Alipay . We do not accept any form of pay-by-phone, Cryptocurrency, or Paysafe.

yes ive tried wifi , mobile data and using different browsers and different pc and mobile phones.
what seems to be the issue ? it has been this way for months. please fix this.

Got it. As the issue persists, we recommend reaching out to WeMod support directly for assistance with billing-related matters. You can contact them at