I have attached a screenshot of my Resource Monitor.
As you can see, there are over 30 connections going when I have not even opened a game yet.
I do have my WeMod settings for anonymous reporting turned off.
You claim to show an ad once in a while for free users such as myself.
However, on closer examination of the connections made by the WeMod app, you will notice that those addresses the WeMod app is connecting to are all tracking or analytic addresses.
So free users and maybe even pro users are being tracked.
Even with anonymous reporting is set to off.
Nothing is really free. “If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.”
WeMod claims that the only way they can cover their costs is for users to pay for a pro subscription or watch ads.
With that, I surmise that WeMod is selling the analytic data of free (maybe even pro) users.
Also, when the ad is playing while I am in a game, it causes the game to stutter. It is extremely noticeable and ruins the immersion I was experiencing in the game.
I hope WeMod has an explanation for this and also fixes the issue of ads causing games to stutter.
I have not read WeMod’s Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy.
The app does indeed include one ad on the bottom right corner of the game page. It is, however, completely sandboxed and cannot track anything outside of itself. Meaning it is only aware of the ads it has shown in the past and has no further information regarding you, your PC, browsing history, etc. The only analytics/tracking requests made outside of the ad sandbox are to our personal Google Analytics account for basic app usage tracking.
Would you mind elaborating on the game stuttering? Is it every game, or maybe certain ads? The ad player is designed to go in a sort of background/low-use mode when cheats are running or when the app is minimized.
All of the connections in the screenshot are for different ad networks in the ad sandbox. Each network has their own host, so individual ads can be coming from different places. We do not have control over where the ads are served from, which is why we decided to sandbox the entire thing for security and privacy.
Outside of the ad, you will only see a connection to google-analytics.com. Resource monitor may not make that distinction.
Can you confirm there is no stuttering when an ad isn’t playing or when you’re on another page in the app? Thanks.
I mean, no problems about WeMod team and the needs to get some money to help content creator, it’s all good because there is a free way to use the app.
But before I search for this and find this topic, I have been in the situation where I had to open/close the app more than 30 times in the hope the ad about Modern Warfare III will finally stop and let me open the trainer I need without playing and use CPU ressources while I’m in game.
That’s pretty annoying to see the game stutter because of the ad using precious ressources on a CPU intensive game.
Please team, I see that this topic is about 1 years old but actually we still have to deal with it.
here we are almost a year latter and the WeMod team has still yet to fix the issue with stuttering when an ad plays and its kinda crummy that the only way to get rid of it is to buy a monthly sub
Your ads that you insist we look at will never be relevant to me or important to me, just a waste of space. The fact you sneaked this into the ToC on how we HAVE to let the ads play or we can’t use this app is insane. I’m not giving you money just for the added bonus of 1: No ads 2: Being able to use my cell phone while playing a game when I have a dual screen setup. I keep making the ads go away and they keep coming back like flies to honey. I don’t care about your analytics, or your money problems. Google and Amazon have ZERO business sending me ads as I told them not to send me ads. Are you that obsessed with money and with analytics? Since you “Claim” you have no control, then why did you bother to put ads in the program in the first place? Did you bother to ask every single member if they wanted to have repeating ads or did you just assume we would like it?
We understand that ads can be frustrating, and we appreciate your perspective. The inclusion of ads allows us to continue offering WeMod for free to users who choose not to subscribe to Pro. We’ve made efforts to ensure the ads are as non-intrusive as possible, so you can still enjoy the core functionality of the app. We understand that ads may not be ideal for everyone, so we offer the Pro version, which removes ads and provides additional features for a smoother experience.