Is wemod safe?

Hi everyone,i want to try Wemod in Dead Space and BioShock remastered,is this program safe? I read that some av programs flag it as malware,and that it injects malware to harddrive. Also read, that it slows down pc overtime,when using it, and that it uses too much ram. Is this legit? Thanks,i want to try it but i’am little worried.

WeMod is 100% safe. We would rather go out of business before distributing malware. Regarding the RAM thing and slowing down your PC, WeMod uses 200MB of RAM so unless you’re on a really old system that will make no difference. Apps cannot cause your PC to slow down over time.

I have 16GB of ram in my laptop,why are trainers most of the time flagged by antivirus programs?

Games hate people using them so they try every way to try stop you

WeMod is perfectly safe though as ive been using it for over a year now so your good

They aren’t flagged most of the time. Standalone trainers from random people might but ours aren’t. Trainers work by altering another process which is a big no-no for most antivirus programs.

Trojan Found in WeMod Files I was reading this last night,for me it dosen’t makes sense,why would someone include malware to it,if you also have paying pro members.

It was a false positve as said in the post as most trainers are but i have scanned WeMod multiple time using Norton And Sky with my personal script aswell and they all said its safe so dont worry as this company is legit and have no intentions of harming your devices

Thanks so much,i was worried i have personal files in my laptop,i will try it in BioShock tonight.

No problem i may not be staff but you can always dm me on discord if you need help


Thanks i will add you. Forget one more thing,can i use all the options for the game as free member,or do i need pro membership?

All options are free but if you want clickable options or setting your money without holding a button then thats where pro comes in

Thanks for info,have a nice day.

You too!

“They always give the same excuse about only injecting into memory. I don’t buy that. I experienced Bluetooth and volume issues. Bluetooth hacking is widespread. Also, too many AVs are flagging them”. Found this on Reddit\Computerviruses. I don’t know what his nickname Is. Also Bluetooth can be hacked?

I’m not sure under what context it was said, but “Bluetooth hacking” is not a function of WeMod software. It’s designed to inject code into the memory space of video games to enable cheats. That person is certainly entitled to their opinion. But factually, he/she is simply incorrect. Further more, AV is designed to flag memory injection because a lot of nefarious things can be accomplished with it. Even then, if you look at the thousands (maybe tens of thousands?) of users who are actively using WeMod (Pro or not), the amount of people complaining it’s doing anything other than memory injection for game cheats is a tiny minority.

And as a Cybersecurity Engineer, I can say with confidence that WeMod is probably one of the most trustworthy cheat apps I’ve ever used. Plus, don’t trust Reddit.


Thanks you for explanation,started using wemod yesterday,and So far so good.