1. God Mode/Ignore Hits
2. Infinite Health
3. Infinite Stamina
4. Infinite Energy
5. Infinite Nourishment
6. No Injuries
7. No Fall Damage
8. Zero Weight
9. Defense Multiplier
10. Edit Money
11. Edit Clicked Item Amount
12. Infinite Item Durability & Freshness
13. Infinite Stat Exp
14. Stat Exp Multiplier
15. Infinite Skills & Combat Exp
16. Skills & Combat Exp Multiplier
17. Edit Skill Points
18. Empty Enemy Stamina
19. Super Damage/One-Hit Kills
20. Damage Multiplier
21. Set Game Speed
22. Save Location
23. Teleport to Saved Location
24. Teleport to Checkpoint Location
Trainer Video:
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
could be wrong, but i launched the game via the wemod, and everything said @ui, infront like @ui-continue. i relaunched and did mods after then it was fine.
Hello I tried to increase items I tried multiple times with 3 lockpicks in my inventory but nothing worked. Tried multiple times and opened inventory like it said in the instructions can this be checked please.
Nevermind it worked. Strange I took the play off and re enabled and it worked. Sorry for the bother thank you
Please consider adding the following:
-Always succeed on persuasion (regardless of choice)
-infinite horse stamina
-Always succeed in smithing and other crafting
Please and thank you so much for what you have already released.
@AtomicSail925 I’m also having this issue and this is game breaking, you can’t see any chat and markers on the map are also scrambled with @placeholders.
If the game was going to give you a hint, what shows up is @Hint_2 on the screen.
Please get this fixed asap because you can’t use the trainer in this current version.