Kingdoms of amalur - reckoning (Max gold save & Max gold+exp save)

A quick gamesave I made playin as a female char on normal difficulty. Saved right at the first inn you reach with 100m gold. Also please note you will earn the “big spender” achievement as soon as you buy/sell something - a quick warning for those who want it legit :smiley:

Download: (Max money only)

Ok here’s the same save but it’s level capped at 40, with no ability / skill points spent so you can build you character the way you want. Enjoy!

Download: (Max money / level / ability & skill points)

Remember to rehash & resign!

this is a great save, is there a way to do xp also, or if you have a save with money and xp could you please upload it :smiley:

Editted original post, uploaded a save with max exp / level and no ability points / skill points spent so you can build your char how you want. Enjoy!

How did you do this? Just hex editing? Or is there a tool?

Just through hex. Don’t think there is a tool yet :anguished:

Wish there was :stuck_out_tongue: but for now ima use the second save… Thanks for your time an effort. :smile:

thanks alot man, im going to try this out :smiley:

no problem, enjoy! :smile:

I’m curious is there any way you can edit the save to where you have enough skill points and ability points to rank everything up to the max?:expressionless:

Save without DLC content? Pls <.<

it says its a corupted file help please