Launch specific trainer version through desktop shortcut

So I’m trying to launch Highfleet on the previous version because I don’t want to update my ships for the newer version, this means that I need to:
1.- Open WeMod
2.- Search for the game
3.- Search for the specific trainer version in the history option
4.- And finally launch the game.
I think we can improve this by letting the user launch the game through the desktop shortcut with the specific version of the trainer instead of always selecting the latest.
I thought this was an option for the Pro Users, I used to be one, but this is not the case.
WeMod does not let you launch the game from the desktop shortcut with the version you want.

You can change the version under the history tab

This is a common URL in a shortcut for WeMod:
I want to also select the trainer version like this:

From the desktop shortcut, this is currently not possible.

I apologize for misinterpreting your post. Regarding launching WeMod with automatically assigned older versions of the game, I’m not sure if that is possible. I will reach out to the community managers to see if that is possible.

At the moment it is not possible. But I’ve forwarded this suggestion to the relevant team.

Thank you!

I also wanted to ask if you manually linked the game’s .exe at all to WeMod?

I also wanted to ask if you manually linked the game’s .exe to WeMod?
It usually depends on the game since there are games like The Witcher 3 that have a Direct X 11 version, WeMod automatically launches the DX12 version which is more GPU demanding, so in order words, some of my shortcuts are linked to the .exe

It also shows a warning every time I launch the game
Now here’s the thing, if you try to launch a game with a trainer that has not been updated, it prompts you if you want to launch the game anyways. Is there any way to checkmark to not show this warning in the future? This happens every time I want to use an older version of the trainer, but again, I’m using an older version of the game.

Thank you for reopening this case.

I was thinking on something like this:

Has there been any movement on this? I would also benefit greatly from having the ability for the URL to launch a specific version of the trainer with the game.

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