Looking for older version of 360Revolution/Help modding NFSMW

It seems that the older versions of 360Revolution had a Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 Version) mod tool, but the recent version only has a mod tool for Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012. Stupid naming two different games with the same title, but anyways, the new mod tool replaced the old one instead of supplementing it.

I’m looking for a download of an older version of 360 Revolution or a tool that can mod the 2005 version of NFSMW.

I’ve found a bunch of game saves but they all have modded bounty. I’d like to be able to mod or change the money but I’d like the bounty to remain where it is so I can play the game.

Thanks for the help.

Can you post your save.

Here is my save. http://www.filedropper.com/drive

I believe the bounty is around 9.5K and the cash is at $16000.

try this it should have $999999999. I left everything else as it was

let me know if it shows as corrupt as i dont have the game to test it myself

It went into the gamesave just fine in Horizon, but the game says it is damaged and cannot be used. I don’t recall a title update recently, but is that perhaps an issue?

what you mean into the save that file is the CON theres no need to inject it into your save just inject the file to usb

I replaced the save file on my profile with the one you gave me because it didn’t want to inject it t the USB. I’ll give it another go.

EDIT: It may not have downloaded correctly the first time. I downloaded it again, and when attempting to inject it onto my flashdrive it did not throw an error in Horizon. It worked liked a charm, thank you so much sir.

no probs

Would you be willing to do the same for me?

I’d doubt they are still doing this as this thread was last active 5 years ago. Please post a new thread with your request or question and someone will respond accordingly.

You can go here: https://gamebanana.com/tools/6159. This is a save editor for NFSMW 2005 and gives you options to mod your money and bounty.

@ptondo: lock this thread down :laughing:

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but does it work with an xbox 360 save?

Yes, the linked save editor is only for Xbox 360 saves.