This is the official discussion topic of the Mass Effect 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Ammo
3. Instant Powers Reload
4. Set Credit
5. Set Medi-Gel
6. Set Element Zero
7. Set Iridium
8. Set Palladium
9. Set Platinium
10. Set Probes
11. Set Fuel
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
03/16/2017 Started development
03/16/2017 Released trainer with 7 cheats
07/23/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/03/2019 Instant Powers Reload cheat added Set Credit cheat added Set Medi-Gel cheat added Set Element Zero cheat added Set Iridium cheat added Set Palladium cheat added Set Platinium cheat added Set Probes cheat added Set Fuel cheat added
I’d verify your game file integrity and make sure nothing is missing. You can also try starting the game manually and then alt tabbing and selecting play in the WeMod app
im having an issue. the mods say there working no errors or anything but game its not doing anyything at all. like it says set credits to 9900000 whatever but nothing changes in game
Hi THere. I have an issue. In my trainer menu, there isn’t any options to set Palladium or Platinum or Iridum. There’s only the option for unlimited Element 0.
Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
The trainer itself works fine. Just the options are weirdly missing
I think I can help. on the app there is a tab in the game menu called history. it shows the different versions of the trainer. Click the newest one and the hidden options should pop up. I had this issue too hope this helps!
Unlimited Ammo option causes the game to crash. Tried without any other option active then when activating Unlimited Ammo at a certain point (Freedom Progress) it crashes.
Not sure why but is there a way to fix this? I am gonna assume there’s no way to fix it and we just have to watch when and where we activate it.
Also, would it be possible to have unlimited talent points like in ME 1?
resource options don’t seem to work any more. they did initially but I think that was before getting to the Normandy. since then only the first 3 options now work
Any chance of getting an update? I’m playing through again before the remastered version comes.
wemod triner for the mass effect 2 in which onlky first three cheats or the toggles work rest like credits and anything eles doest work at all need help to fix it
hi everyone I apologize if I disturb you I have a problem with vemod it doesn’t work for me I tried everything but nothing, when I activate it I click on play nothing is going to load for a while, We’re having trouble starting or finding your opened game. What does this mean? could you help me thanks
Resource cheats not working at all (for Steam version). Just use console commands, if you need to give yourself some stuff. No big deal with this game.