MattWidz's 360 Tools - FIFA 11 Modding Tool

MattWidz’s 360 Tools Version 1.0.7
My first tool containing the first ever Fight Night Champion Tool and most advanced FIFA 11 Tool!

What My Tool Includes:

Version 1.0.7

  • Hopefully Fixed The Index Errors
  • Added Legacy Editor
  • Mod XP and Stats
  • Added NHL 2011 Tool (Needs Work)
  • Change Names
  • Download And Mod Legend Card
  • Added NBA 2K11 Tool
  • Mod Skill, Attributes and Stats
  • Added Avatar Editor
  • Edit Avatars Colours
  • Added Doritos Crash Course Editor
  • Mod Times
  • Changed GUI
  • Improved looks
  • Fixed Bugs

Version 1.0.6

  • Fight Night Champion Stats Editor:
  • Weight Editor
  • Reach Editor
  • Mod Height
  • Mod Stats (Strength, Speed, Endurance, etc)
  • Change First and Second Names
  • Fixed a small bug in the Settings Editor

Version 1.0.5

  • Compiled into 1 exe
  • Changed dll files
  • Better Security

Version 1.0.4

  • Finished Career Mode Editor
  • Fixed Major Bug In Career Mode Editor
  • Fixed Drag And Drop In Settings Editor
  • Added Ability To Edit Player’s Position
  • Added Ability To Edit Player’s Kit Number
  • Added Ability To Edit Player’s Preferred Foot
  • Can Now Edit Wins, Losses, Draws and Games Played In Career Mode
  • Can Change Career Mode Season and Team’s Points
  • Can Now Change AI and Board Difficulty
  • Fixed One More Small Bug

Version 1.0.3

  • Finished Career Mode Editor
  • Added Drag and Drop Features to Editors
  • Added Player Picture in Player Calculator
  • Made Auction House Easier To Use
  • Made Pack Buyer Easier To Use
  • Fixed Some Bugs

Version 1.0.2

  • Added Temporary Career Mode Editor
  • Fixed Some Stuff
  • Added Auto Updater

Version 1.0.1

  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Auto Pack Buyer

Version 1.0.0

  • Rehash And Resigner
  • FIFA 11 Settings Editor
  • FIFA 11 Auto Pack Buyer
  • FIFA 11 Career Mode Editor
  • FIFA 11 Player Calculator
  • FIFA 11 Auction House

Rehash and Resigner (Package Editor)
Simply Drag and Drop or Open A File to Rehash and Resign and Change the IDs

Open Me

Fight Night Champion Mod Tool
The First Ever Fight Night Champion Modding Tool, Open Your Online Fighter Save And Mod, Save And Put It Back Onto Your HDD!

[details=Open Me]


FNC Legacy Editor
Open the legacy file and mod what XP and stats you want, simply save and play!

Open Me

FIFA tools

Open Me

FIFA 11 Settings Editor
Open The FIFA Settings File and Edit The Values to Whatever you Want! Click Save and it will Sign the Hash and Save your Mods! Then Just Put It On Your HDD and Play :smile:

[details=Open Me]


FIFA 11 Career Mode Editor
Open Your Career Mode, Mod What You Want, Save And Put Back On Your HDD :smile:

[details=Open Me]

FIFA 11 Auto Pack Buyer
Automatically Buy Any Pack and Resell All The Player In The Pack!

Open Me

FIFA 11 Player Calculator
Find Out Any Player From a Simple Resource ID

[details=Open Me]

FIFA 11 Auction House
Search and Buy Any Player! Just like your very own Auto Buyer :smiley:

[details=Open Me]


NHL Editor
Edit your names and download and mod a legend card!

Open Me

NBA 2K11 Editor
Mod your stats, skill and attributes simply and easily with this tool!

Open Me

Avatar Editor
Change your avatars skin, hair and even eye colours to colours not available on the 360 with this tool!

Open Me

Dorios Crash Course Editor
Change your times for each course to impress your mates and show off!

Open Me

Virus Scan:

Open Me

V 1.0.7

Password: mattwidz

You Need Net Framework 4:


Open Me

Coming Soon:

  • Career Mode Editor
  • Better layout
  • More Tools
  • Auction House Update
  • Online Squads Editor
  • Better Features


Doesn’t Horizon’s do this?

No, mine does alot more

yes but this is more advanced and has different features ^.^

Nope lol :confused:

OT: Looks good :smile:

Matt, it isnt starting on my comp :
I have tried running as admin but it still doesnt work???

Alright, this does look nice.

EDIT: This program isn’t loading for me ether.

:open_mouth: Very Nice

Well Done Matt Do You Want me To Make A Youtube Vid Bout This?

Yeah if you can get the program working

Fixing dont worry

thanks :smile:


nope :confused:

nope, its because we need your version of dotnetbar aswell

I think you’re missing something…

// NOTE This class is protected under GPL License as well as terms and conditions.
/* */ // Most notably, you must not obfuscate/protect this code, you must include an open source
/* */ // to your project that uses this code, and you must also not make profit on it.
/* */ // For more details, access:
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// *License included in the library source
// *License located at X360.PublicResources.GPL30
// *X360.XAbout.GNUProtected for GNU and TaC (Terms and Conditions)
/* */ // You agree to these terms when you use this code.

MattWidz’s 360

Dwack go on AIM

MattWidz’s 360 WORKS :smiley:

So this means we can buy as much gold packs as we want without coins ?

links dead

The link isn’t working for me.

MattWidz’s 360 - that works mate