MattWidz's 360 Tools - FIFA 11 Modding Tool


use Iink in op

You may want to code the program so that it use’s HTTP Webrequest, much faster.

lol You would want the source code

“Most notably, you must not obfuscate/protect this code, you must include an open source to your project that uses this code, and you must also not make profit on it.”

For more details, access:
The GNU Operating System


Very nice and detailed post.

Good job.


He doesn’t use X360.

He uses X360Lib which was made by SuperModder911

He uses X360Lib. That doesn’t require you to release the source…

EDIT: What VenomIzPro said. :smile:

[Epic Fail] on my side Face Palm :anguished:

He did use x360 before :wink: that’s why it was closed but been reopen now

I have the old source code if you want it PM me. =)

Two tools in on this Tool can get your permanently banned if used incorrectly.

Doritos Crash Course and Avatar Editor.

But apart from that, very nice tool!

How does that make you feel? Just wondering

It feels so ****ing awesome, you wish you felt like me now.

No I really don’t I would like to find stuff on my own.

Go do it then.

I already did. I found just about everything for FIFA. Including the checksum unlike you

I do also have the checksum. You feyel.

You didn’t find it yourself…

Can you fix the career tool?

Yea man fix the career tool. :smile: