Max ammo in COD Advanced Warfare editor


Have diamond account. I note that the max health option doesn’t seem to be there in settings but is shown in pictures for the PS version of this editor. (g_player_maxhealth?)

Has it been withdrawn in the most recent version of Horizon?

Thanks for your time.

Sorry, heading wrong. Referring to max health.

(Max ammo also good)

What do you mean it is in the PS version? I believe the tool just pulls all the DVARs from the save so if isn’t in there it probably don’t exist or was removed by the game developers in a later version.

I note this was touted as PS but thread confirms good for xbox. However, I tried and it won’t install on my PC (Win 7) even if I switch virus protection off,

Knew it wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

Horizon is made for xbox 360. Wemod is not involved with PlayStation modding as far as I know.

Thanks. It looks just like Horizon editor though. Weird that PS users would somehow get this additional feature??

Both tools are using dotnetbar for the UI which is why they look the same. I believe Horizon allows you to add dvars so you could try adding those to see if they work or not.

Ok. Will try.


Sorry another query if I may. If I add max health I assume it has to be g_player_maxhealth? If I was to try max ammo would that follow same format?

I note other “DVARs” have different structure so just trying to understand better.



Have tried max health and max ammo in addition to get all guns etc. Reinstalled onto console and evident that none of the mods worked. Health certainly no better than before. Also how would I know if the “get all guns” option had worked?


Is there anyone to contact if mod not apparently working as indicated? (Diamond membership)


At this point in time you will have to delete the title updates and use an older version of the game. Xbox 360 is End of Life and we are winding down with Horizon as most developers have said they will stop releasing/support games at the end of the year.

Thanks. Can you just confirm process. Do I delete updates from hard drive then start new game again or can I just carry on from where I left off?


You will probably need to delete the update then restart.

Many thanks again.


Deleted title updates, saved game and started new game with wifi switched off. Still doesn’t work!

I only selected get all guns, unlimited sprint in player and added max health dvar in settings.

Your advice much appreciated.



Would also like to know how I would know if “get all guns” worked anyway.


Is it safe to say Diamond membership is a waste of money as mods no work on Xbox 360?

There is nothing we can do if those DVARs don’t exist or don’t work on the 360. Most mods still work for the games in Horizon. Everything was tested before being released so they all work on a specific title update it is just the matter of which one.

Sorry I know you’re trying to be helpful but am still confused. I was asked to delete all title updates, game save etc, turn off wifi and restart which I did.

I only installed disk 1 as “game configuration” and necessary and then the the game on disk 2. I’m not sure how you’re specific title" plays out in the above scenario. I bough the game when it came out. Are you saying you can buy one version on Tues then another on Wed so a sort of Russain roulette?

Thanks again.