METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is the official discussion topic of the METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. No Reload
3. Unlimited Ammo -Gadget
4. Unlimited Suppressor
5. Better Accuracy
6. Disable Ai


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 07/28/2019
    Started development

  • 07/28/2019
    Released trainer with 6 cheats

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The METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 6 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Game version the “Undetected” option doesn’t do what the name suggests (i.e. enemies can’t detect Snake), at least in the second mission.



@MrAntiFun uh none of the cheats worked for me

Big fan of your work Mr. AntiFun! I’d like to request that this trainer is updated as a few functions no longer work, primarily; Undetected and No Reload. Many thanks for all your work thus far!

Im not sure if it is the trainer but…



I do not own this game. Are you sure there are supposed to be enemies visible in your current level - ie, if it isn’t a training mission?

Try not turning on any cheats until you have loaded the mission and see if anything changes.

This reminds me of a neat glitch in Just Cause 2. There’s an “Easter egg” island in the world that is supposed to resemble the island in the TV show “Lost”. If you fly over the island, your plane will get shot down. After parachuting to the ground and then fast-travelling back to the mainland, all the enemies will vanish from the map until you save and reload (or die). Making infiltrating bases etc a hell of a lot easier :laughing:.

I guess it’s been years now but I confirm, enemies don’t spawn and currently spawned ones just have their AI deactivated (don’t move or respond to being hit). The ones that try to spawn while the cheat is in use are immediately removed from the map which is annoying as you can’t target them for some of the side objectives.

Kia ora. Long time Metal Gear Solid fan here. I have played all installments at least once, and quite often across several platforms. This is my 3rd copy of Ground Zeroes, not my favourite installment, but it’s important to the plot so I grin and bear it. Thanks to your trainer, I was able to platinum this game for the first time. A copy of the cheats didn’t work quite as expected ie enemies don’t see you but that’s ok. I was able to get 100% in game and in trophies. Thank you!

Cheat #2, “UnDetected”, causes kill all enemies.
Thank you.

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something is wrong with cheat #2 UnDetected. it kills all enemies and allies.


Would it be possible to update this? Cheat #2 basically deletes the enemies from the map. Those who remain stay still and are unaffected by any sort of interaction (being shot, explosions…).


Hey guys,

Great work on all that you do! I just bought this game from Steam so I have some current input…I’ve tried three cheats with this trainer unlimited health, undetected, and unlimited suppressor. The Unlimited Health and the Unlimited Suppressor seems to work ok but the undetected has some rough outcomes. It seems once the cheat is activated all the allies die and most of the enemy NPCs disappear while the rest just stand in place. Is there any way you guys could please check this again and maybe update it? Thanks for all your work!


can we have this revisited please? undetected results in the death of allies and enemies


For some reason the entire main menu glitches out when launching from WeMod. It almost looks like it’s detecting cheats and making fun of the player lol, all the menu buttons become unreadable in a mist of tiny letters, don’t know how else to describe it

This only happens when launching from WeMod

Without WeMod it’s fine

When I managed to get ingame I can also confirm like others mentioned that the stealth cheat basically removes (nearly) all AI from the game.

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@MrAntiFun please fix undetected all it does is break the ai and make the ai delete it self from existance its gamebreaking and ruins the fun of having this


Seconded. Can confirm it breaks the AI either removing the enemy or locks them in place.


Can we get the “All Enemies Faint” cheat from the Phantom Pain mods to replace “Undetected”?

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Hey uh can we get a new cheat code? like instead of undetected can we have like the same cheat undetected but the enemys act like no one is there and you can do whatever you want with them like not die is that possible?