Mincraft TUs (install them manually)

Hi There,

I can’t figure out how to install Minecraft (xbox 360) TUs manually. I want to avoid doing this in “online” mode via Xbox live, so I found out the following:

  1. Step by step guide to put TU install files on an USB http://www.wikihow.com/Update-Minecraft-for-the-Xbox-360-Version
  2. TUs need to be installed sequentially, so If your running TU10 and want to “upgrade” to the latest TU, let’s say TU20, you need to install TU11, 12, 13…19, 20!

I have the following questions:

  1. How can I make a backup of game data (minecraft worlds) remotely from OSX? Possible to logon via FTP, what tools to use?
  2. I can’t find a way to figure out the current TU version on my xbox 360? Does anyone know how to retrieve the actual Minecraft TU version?
  3. Do I need to put all TU install files in one folder on the USB stick; will the xbox install them one by one then and in the right order? OR do I need to do this one by one?

Thanks for helping out!

Actually all you need I believe is the latest TU. You download to your computer, use horizon & go to minecraft on the usb. right click inject, & you use your computer to find the file.

1st: Download TU to your desktop
2nd: load horizon
3rd: Go to the usbexplorer, open it & right click on minecraft.
4th: Find your TU & double click it. Assign It to your profile. Make sure you have your profile on your zip/flash drive.

If you require all of them for some odd reason, google will help you with most of them except a few as no one bothered to load them up making me assume you don’t need all of them. repeat steps 1-4 for all TU’s. Xbox360 will not sort sh*t. Enjoy.

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Hi Cosmic,

Thank you for taking the time and effort for replying to my inquiry…Some how I missed the preperation steps -;)…OK so

  1. I took an empty USB stick
  2. Put in the Xbox and initialised it via System/Storage
  3. When I go to Horizon and the USB explorer, I do see tree items like games and games profiles, but NO content

How do I get the data from the xbox to the USB stick? Same for game profile?
How do I inject the TU file into the xbox, so from USB to Xbox memory?
Why do I need to assign the profile? Does this mean that another player (profile) cannot tale advantage of the TU update when he logs in to his profile?

Configuring your USB stick on your 360 doesn’t automatically add content, you need to do that manually after it’s been configured for Xbox 360 storage. You simply go to storage on your 360, and then find the profile or save you want to put on your USB drive and choose to move it to it.

For title updates you don’t need to change IDs or have your profile on your USB stick. Just open Horizon with your USB stick loaded and either drag the TU into the open area in Horizon and select Save to Device and select your USB stick, or click Inject New File in the device explorer and find the update and inject it. Once the TU is on your USB stick, put it back in your 360, go to storage, select your USB drive, find the TU and move it to your 360’s hard drive.

If you need a good site for title updates go here: http://xboxunity.net/

Hi Steve,

Thank you…I will try tomorrow…Do you happen to know how to find out what TU version is already installed on the XBOX. When I go to the Games and Apps folder in XBOX HDD (via storage) and select the minecraft folder I do see the “worlds” per user and game saved info. I do not see any title update an even in mindcraft (when started) I do not find the latest (TU) version.


Force of habbit by saying profile when I help people as they usually need help using the toilet for the first time type people. I also forgot you needed a save or something on minecraft on the usb, my bad.

YES! I finally managed to perform the update…seemed to be more logical then first anticipated…TU seems to be incremental. I first installed TU1 then TU22. With the latter update, the box prompted to replace the old one. From this I concluded the updates are incremental (so TU 22 includes all the old ones also). Backup of game data is also a breese.

Making backup:
1)You just login to one of the user profiles on the xbox
2)Go to settings/system and select the games folder and then the game (in my case minecraft)
3)The folder shows saved game data and worlds for each profile
4)Select the file you want to backup (only the one belonging to the profile you logged into, otherwise the box will prompt you it cannot copy), copy and select the (xbox formatted/initialised) USB stick as your destination

For inserting TU on the stick I used Horizon device explorer (see the URL I inserted in my original post).

Just insert the latest TU to the USB stick using Horizon
Eject it from your computer
Insert in xbox
Select the USB as storage device
Select the games folder and then minecraft
Now you see the title update in the list (along with the backup data, if you have done so as described above)
Select the TU and “apply” it by moving it to the Harddisk (I moved the TU from the USB stick which allows me to insert any subsequent TU the next time an (T) update is available)
Start you game

I know this post is old…

But a quick question, I downloaded TU59

Put it in the cache folder

and it shows in Updates as installed on Aurora,but

When i run the game, it has reverted back to the very first MC.

Am I supposed to inject the TU with a gamer profile before copying both the profile back and the TU to the Xbox?

Actually now any updates after 59 you will need the disc to allow it write the new updates for some reason. I had this problem as I primarily play offline and my minecraft disc wasn’t updated, I had to have both the update on hard drive and disc to get it to work. Even if you bought the marketplace one online, if you want the updates offline you will need the disc and update on your usb. It sucked but it worked.

This was 2 years old before now it’s 4 months later
This needs locked @Chris

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