Minecraft Editor - BETA! update v1.5

-edit spawn position
-toggle rain and thunder
-view seed and more!

love the prog bro…keep the updates rolling!:thumbsup:

wow that is pretty sick dude, would it be possible to add in an option to remove a player from the save so their inventory is not stored on the savegame anymore?

Not possible, sorry man.

Is flying/no-clip possible via save modding? Or just the god mode?

its kool, so is there an ETA for v1.5 yet?

V1.5 Released!
-Added edit by item list
-Added edit spawn point configuration (Edit where players spawn)
-Fixed a few bugs

If you notice any bugs feel free to post them.

To not go over 255 or below -255 for the spawn points.

V1.5 Download: V1.5 BETA.rar

When you edit the items using the combobox the items aren’t in alphabetical order

wow I am trying this out right now thanks

Will test 1.5 tomorrow. (:

i downloaded:D Gonna test Tomorrow!

How does the selection edit work? I have never been able to get it to work.

Go to commands > Enable selection edit

Now you select what slots you want to configure. Right click and click ‘edit selected’

Thanks, I just messaged you on XBL incase you were afk or something. So just disregard that message.

Tool looks pretty nice, but you really should add a thread for reading the file and updating the list view. It stops the form from becoming “frozen”, and Windows marking it as unresponsive for a second. Either way, it does look very nice.

You misspelled slabs.


Yes it’s good. This was originally psoted on 360 haven and TTG.


I know what multi threading your application does, no need for an explanation. I’ve added multi threading since update v1.4. I also use delegates for the calls if you’re wondering. I guess it’s alright for a UI. I spend more time on the code rather than the UI. Could of implemented a Native menustrip to make it look more decent but thanks.

thanks, will deal with this major bug :smiley:

too bad this version has a virus also