Modded guns Borderlands 2

replace ur savegame.sav with this
credit for the save is Mine “Fat Pat 666”
credit to the guy who made the save editor. :smile:

nicely done sir

Any way to make a level 50 gun with that kind of damage?

Fat pat you sir are a boss and how did you do it?

Invalid STFS package…

You have to replace the content inside your save with this one.

No idea how to do… I use horizon or modio but don’t know how to change only a part of the save… Help!

Copy your profile ID and console ID from your original game-save to your newly downloaded game-save.

The problem is if i try to open the file modio say is the file is corrupt, i will make some try now… I can hopen the file wit the editor but the editor don’t give the option to change id and user id

I would recommend using Horizon. If that doesn’t change anything, it might be an issue with the game-save itself.

And plus, aren’t game-save files supposed to be in “.svg” formatting, not “.sav”? Maybe I’m mistaken.

Yes i tried to use horizon but didn’t work… The extension is right SAV , i already used many save file just drop in horizon and is done…
Someone have tried this file and can confirm that work?

this is a savegame.sav
not a save0001.sav
so you have toopen the save0001.sav
by dragging into horizon. go to contents . replace savegame.sav or gamesave.sav with this and there is your modded save

oh so gonna try this when I get back home :smile:

“Level Requirement: 100” HMMMMM

Understood! I will try later, thanks

did this before that editor came out. any only one like? wtf

Will you possible make me a save?

A sick jakobs pistol and rifle…with the “Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger” deal? Scopes preferred.

Thanks if you can. :smile:

any save created with level 50 modded guns all you have to do is put it on an offline account, do split screen with your main, and drop them to yourself…That’s how i have been able to get all my characters with the best guns and anything else in the game

Open the file in the editor and change the level to 50 or the level you like, save and move to savefile in horizon.
Thanks for the mod wepps!

Damn… Is working ! Now is for level 50 but the damage is drop to 5900 … I think changing one of the 2 value from 100 to 50 change also the damage… How to change the damage of the weapp using the editor? Anybady know?