Motel Manager Simulator Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Motel Manager Simulator
This is the official discussion topic of the Motel Manager Simulator Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Money
2. Unlimited Energy
3. No Hunger
4. Unlimited Over Sleep
5. Unlimited Jump
6. Super Speed
7. Unlimited Fuel


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 09/13/2024
    Started development

  • 09/13/2024
    Released trainer with 7 cheats

  • 11/21/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The Motel Manager Simulator cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 7 cheats
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hello, I’m having some problems with my weMod. whenever i turn on anything on the mods it just goes to off and its not working any fix on this?


I Also have same problem

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Hi! May I know where did you buy your game from?

its just a cracked game

I see. WeMod does not condone piracy and we cannot assist you with any issues that arise while using a pirated game. We encourage all users to support game developers’ hard work by purchasing the game through an authorized reseller. Supporting developers helps ensure the continued creation of great games. Using mods with a cracked version of games can lead to possible problems and we are unable to provide support.

does it work properly on steam? cause im planning to buy it now

Yes, Please note that the trainer is intended for use with a legitimate copy of the game and is designed for single-player use only.

I can’t use it
when i turn on one of options the option turn off

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This is noted. Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

I can’t seem to get the “Unlimited Fuel” mod to work. Is there a special way to activate it? The other mods seem to be working fine. Thanks!

Edit: The Unlimited Fuel part DOES seem to work, but only on the Jerry Can. I filled it up once and can refill the generator endlessly. I guess I was thinking this mod would work more for unlimited fuel in the reserve. Can you clarify how its supposed to work?

Heelp :slight_smile:

Can’t turn off :
2. Unlimited Energy
3. No Hunger
4. Unlimited Over Sleep

Wemod says is that it’s turned off, but it’s not. Tried to restart the game but doesn’t work

It is not letting me use the cheats either. They turn themselves right off when I try to turn them on :confused:

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Same on me, please update it

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Please fix Unlimited Over Sleep, I thought it would make it so that Over Sleep is always 0 which means you can sleep as long as you want, but instead toggling it once has permanently set my save to inifinite over sleep which means I can’t sleep/fast forward the game at all any more…

warning to anyone that might see this, DO NOT toggle Unlimited Over Sleep, it will ruin your save file

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you can add an editable field for the amount of money so that you can add your own amount. I’ve seen this on other trainer exchanges, but I would like to stay with you and be able to use this function here too.

Thank you in advance

ich würde gerne im spiel motel manger simulator das unbegrenzte gelt löschen weiß aber nicht wie man das macht ???

I would like to delete the unlimited money in the game Motel Manger Simulator but I don’t know how to do it???

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how do i turn on unlimited money??