My Laser Came In Today! Lazerer Rifle 1.5W (Updated!)

My weapon arrived in the mail today and I am very excited because this thing is incredibly wicked. I thought I would share some info and photos on it here on XMB simply to show off :sunglasses:. Yes it is dangerous and yes it will burn almost anything. Safety goggles are required with this.

If you’d like more technical specs and info, go here.

This is a copy-and-paste from my thread on Laser Pointer Forums - Laser Pointers and Laser Pointer info Enjoy! :thumbsup:

EDIT: This forum does not support spoilers, nor does it automatically resize photos for its parameters; both are functions I think every forum should have, but not my say so. That fact does make this very pic-heavy, I apologize.

Hello guys,

Today I got my Lazerer 1.5 Rifle in the mail, and I am extremely pleased! I am here to share my laser love with you all; not so much a review (as there are already several out there on this beast) as it is an opportunity to share some photos and give credit where credit is due.

I purchased this weapon from Hovermn and he was very nice and extremely professional with the sale; I am very pleased with his business practices and if he ever sells anything in my interest range again, I will not hesitate to buy from him. Thank you, Hovermn!
*Note: Your hovercrafts are awesome too, cool hobby!

As stated, this is a Lazerer Rifle 1.5 with all the options, and is overspec at 1,615mW! This is also my first laser above 5mW, so you can imagine my awe.

The item was shipped on 12/13 and arrived at my door on 12/17, much better than waiting months for the slow boat! The aluminum case arrived in perfect condition:

The beautiful lady herself:

Now for some beam and effect shots!
She illuminates the entire room!

Visible during the day!

All the way up my neighborhood!

Sitting next to my 5mW Green:

Touching the Moon!


Got my precautionary labels on the case :wink:

As you guys already know, the camera really does not do it justice! This thing is crazy!
I was able to burn some things and light several matches as soon as I got it out and turned it on, but now I can’t find the right focus point for burning! Any help on that end is appreciated. Once I get the right burn focus on, I’ll definitely upload a video!

Dave also included a surprise gift with my purchase! A very-overspec 5mW 532 pen laser! It is awesome and another great add to my collection, it is seen here with my other 5mw 532 and my 5mw Red pointer! Again, thanks Hovermn!

Overall, an astonishing laser with astonishing power. Stoked to have it and play around with it. Good lasing, LPF.


That is awesome! :smiley:D

Pretty cool. Never seen one of those.

it looks sick

Don’t point at an aircraft it’s illegal. Lol

Lolvo please point it at a plane. :wink:
I watched a video on this today, it’s supposedly the strongest laser in the world:

Pretty sick.

Damn that’s nice.

I’ll have to keep hovman in mind, been considering using some of my Xmas money to buy one (I always get cash :o )


How much u pay? Ill pay him for one of he has another.

That is the WickedLasers S3.

WickedLasers is one of the worst companies in the Laser market; atop that, their products are almost always under-spec (weaker than advertised).

The laser I pictured above is well over 600mW more powerful than WickedLaser’s Spyder S3…“the world’s most powerful laser” - and is considerably cheaper in price.

Don’t let WL’s good advertising fool you, do some research! :laughing:

Will u ask him if he has any others ill pay!

I hope you get arrested. :wink:

Dear Santa…

I am so jelly right now.

Please note that I purchased this as a private sale. Hovermn does not make these nor does he have any more; he was clearing out his collection and I happened to snag this one off him. I did so because these are illegal to be sold in manufactured and whole condition by a regulated seller in the United States. If you want a fresh one, it has to come from over-seas, generally Hong-Kong (which is where Lazerer operates). Doing so implicates about a month’s wait time, sometimes more, before the order is processed, shipped, and arrives at your door - assuming customs does not snag your package.

I luckily found this and ended up paying about $50 less than I would for a new one, and got it in 4 days instead of 30. If you would like a laser of this capacity, go to LaserPointerForums and talk to a man named “Blord” - There are several members who construct and sell very high-power lasers to members of the LPF community, among whom, Blord is the best.

Do not just go pay him to build you one either, do your research on lasers. These are not toys and safety precautions must be taken. This is a Class IV laser product and has some serious capabilities.

I hope not!

That thing is awesome do they have other colors?

There are other wavelengths of color, yes. They all won’t be the same power level, though.

Thanks for the heads up. Wonder how the hell I will get pass the illegal part I don’t want customs to steal my package lol.

I’ve been looking at these as well.

Sites to consider : - Great site for info

I’ve narrowed my choices down to 2 manufacturers :

Crown upgrade 400mW green laser torch/adjustable/waterproof - Approx. $200

Considering the one Lolvo got, just over $200, or
LZSK - Stick 532nm 500mW High Power DPSS Green Laser Pointer at just over $300.

Dumb question. Someone standing right beside you while you use it doesn’t need goggles right (this assumes you’re not pointing it at them of course)? The person using needs as a precaution. Right? :wink:

Get a user at LPF to build you a custom one!

O-like has a hit-and-miss with its customer base; some have good experiences, others not so much. Lazerer has a very good rep around the LPF community.

Not true, if you are using the laser with anyone around, every single one of them needs goggles. The only situation in which you do not need goggles is when you are pointing the laser to the sky, where the point cannot be seen and the beam has room to move and reflect. If you are using the laser indoors or on any surface that can reflect/refract light you need goggles.

Finish your beer there’s sober kids in India

Lol one of my favorite posters.