NBA 2K14 Myplayer Skill Points hex edit?


Yeah I know

Anyway you can find the offset for the ps3 version?

Wont work your not fixing the checksum.

after the last input what should I do

as I cannot add a symbol _

CloudLoad - Simplify your digital life, Cloudload it!

sp 198

Has anyone found the offset for mycareer cyberface? How would i change it to assign an authentic player cf to it?

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I just want to the link and it worked for me.

can anyone mod my save for me? i dont understand how to

Thx, MAX Attri & Skill works. Does anyone know how to mod just SP? I am trying to use HEX to config the serials.

Here is a tutorial on how to get the save to work…

so i have been up all fn night tryn to find a program for this ****n game even done a few surveys to try n get it anybody got anything new

can u please show how u did urs n where u gt ur programs

Can someone explain how to do this? I have used horizon it extracted my player then I load into lazy rainbows program.i open my save file check the box and click Save then I also inject it back into horizon then rehash and resign. yeah my guy is no where close to 99 everything. please help if you can

Why are you trying to use that editor when Horizon now has an editor for NBA 2K14?

So much spam on the thread, but thanks

Because I don’t have horizon diamond or whatever only base one.

The NBA 2K14 editor isn’t a diamond only tool, it’s free…

Says I’m in offline mode and won’t connect to online mode for some reason.