New UI is great!


I would like to let you know that the new UI is really nice and cool!

Also, I love the “Idea” option on each trainer to be able to submit options ideas. Like each author don’t always check discussions for whatever reasons (no time, IRL stuffs and so on) it’s a really great addition.

Thanks for the work done on the WeMod App!


Hi there! Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you like the new UI and find it cool. We appreciate your support and feedback. It means a lot to us!

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It’s well deserved!

Everyone works so much for us to be able to play our game the way we want.

Thank you for taking the time to answer! I just hope I posted this topic in the correct section haha!

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i absolutely despise that the very visible game version or platform options got moved to play, it’s now hidden behind the play tab which is just absolutely insane to me.

you could see at a glance which version you where using now you have to press the little arrow next to play to select it. it’s so incredibly dumb.

for example: mass effect legendary edition me1, 2, and 3 are seen as the same game but different versions so you now have to select those version in play… before it was shown above the cheats.

Games like this will be separated in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience.

@Kharnath it’s not the topic to complain about that. I have created it to thanks the team for the work on the UI, maybe you should create your own to explain what you want to complain about. Also, what you’re speaking about has never been an issue, never have any problem to see how the platform options have been moved. I see a new UI, I just explore and find where are the options.

@Chris I’m sorry for that, it was not my intention to see people come and complain about things that are not an issue when I have created this topic to thanks the team. I find that the actual UI and how it’s set is clear and great, don’t think you should change anything. Of course, to avoid this kind of reaction in the future, I will understand if you decide to lock this topic.

Both pieces of feedback are good. The games will just be separated into their own instead of being lumped into 1 title.

Glad you are enjoying the new UI. :slight_smile:

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