No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Added tokens hoping it will get updated soon

Operating System? do you mean Vulkan or what?


any updates?

When the new version hits (since the vote goal for an update was reached) would it be possible to add any of the following options?;

  1. Unlock moused over inventory slot (or space station unlimited inventory upgrades, or if not just an unlock all slots)
  2. Reputation multiplier (or add/remove X reputation for Y race)
  3. Learn all words of Y Race (or npcs allow unlimited learning of words)
  4. Add X Nanite Clusters (or unlimited)
  5. Add X Quicksilver (or unlimited)
  6. Add X Credits
  7. Reset Wanted Level
  8. Unlimited Ship Fuel (warp, thruster and impulse)
  9. Instant Scanning
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Use this one till STN can update his

May want to wait for a bit longer. The update was pretty big and changed a lot of stuff, and also came with a good amount of bugs, so additional patches may be coming fairly frequently. Unless, of course, STN can spare the time to keep on top of this for a little while.

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