No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Steam

incompatibler trainer for no man sky

Hey @Angry85. :slight_smile:

The trainer was updated to be compatible with the latest game version three days ago. It should be working fine as long as your copy of the game is legitimately purchased from Steam (as opposed to from GOG or cracked) and is up to date.

The game updated on the 16th July. The trainer was updated on the 19th July.

Under the Play button in the trainer is another button labelled History. Click this and make sure the most recent trainer in the list is selected. :slight_smile:


actually this could be due to the fact that the game got an update pushed today, a few days ago I was testing experimental branch and a few thing were not working eg. one hit kill, so this is possibly due to that? idk Iā€™m going to test right now.

Well probably because the trainer was not made for the experimental version of the game. It most likely was made for the standard version of the game

The No Manā€™s Sky cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Are you going to update the Windows Store version of this game as well MrAntiFun?


Well of course I was just pointing out that the update that got pushed was the experimental build that is now public hence showing up as incompatible & reproducing the same issues but trainer is updated now so moot point I suppose.

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So this wont work for Game Pass will it? :frowning:

Welcome to the community @CredenceH. :slight_smile:

Nope, Iā€™ve never heard of a Steam trainer working on a Windows Store game or vice versa.
Youā€™ll need to use the Windows Store version of the trainer: No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Windows Store.

(ā€œXbox Game Passā€ is just Windows Store trying to make themselves sound cooler).

I been using the CH trainer and its a one trainer for everything. It doesnt have the stack size option though which is why im here. Just downloaded and went pro just for that option. Anyway you could tell me more about what unlimited Materials Packs and super pack size is? i dont wanna push anything till i know haha.

The Unlimited Health, No Radiation, Unlimited Life Support cheats are not working. I died twice with them activated, once from falling and once under water.

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You have to keep in mind that Hello Games is constantly updating the game, and that can get kind of frustrating for trainer creators, because every single time thereā€™s an update (even the smallest ones) thereā€™s a risk of it breaking the trainer. Then the creators have to go and remake the whole damned thing for one line of code that got changed in the game.

That said, with the frequency of Hello Gamesā€™ updates, Iā€™m actually surprised the trainer is kept as up to date as it is already.

Hi. First off, Thank you very much for this trainer. I LOVE it and it makes the game much more enjoyable.
The easy craft feature works great when crafting items/upgrades.
Could you possible add a feature similar to this but that works on building? (So i do not have to hunt all over the galaxy just to build 1 compartment).
Kind regards.


Hey, this trainer was totally AWESOME. But now the game crashes every time I turn on any cheat in-game. Worked fine 6-7 days ago. :frowning:


Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

If you Google the error you got, it is very common amongst NMS players, even those who do not use any trainers. So it is unlikely to be related to trainer use.

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Trainer is semi-broken, the following options dont work:
(I didnt try all of them, so there may be others)

  • infinite player health
  • infinite stamina
  • super jetpack speed (I really like this one)
  • infinite ship health
  • no ship rocket cooldown
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nopeā€¦the game had a huge update today so thatā€™s why the trainer needs to be updated as wellā€¦


This game has recently received an update. Therefore the trainer will likely also be in need of an update to be compatible.

You will need to request an update via the WeMod desktop app.
This link will explain how: How do I request an update for games? - WeMod Support.

Handy related links:

At this time, I donā€™t see a ā€˜Request Updateā€™ button for Steam edition

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This new trainer doesnā€™t seem to be working. None of the toggles stay on. Also the resources toggles were awesome, itā€™d be great to see those back!