No rest for the wicked

I’m just curious why the No Rest for the Wicked Mod has been in development at the top of the list for several days, while every other cheat engine has mods released for it already. Could MrAntifun or STinger or one of the modders who gets things done quickly take over?

I pay for this service, so I think it’s entirely reasonable to ask why it’s taking so long.

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Hello. :slight_smile:

The development time required for a trainer is influenced by several factors, including but not limited to:

  • The coding structure of the game built by the game’s developers.
  • The complexity involved in identifying and altering the relevant game data, such as the appropriate memory addresses.
  • The availability of the trainer maker and the trainer testers, who are human beings with personal commitments, legally-mandated working hour restrictions, and designated holidays and weekends. Note that today is Sunday, a non-working day.

Additionally, updates such as patches and hotfixes, can render trainers non-functional, resulting in a restart of the whole development process. Since this game is a new release, multiple patches are to be expected as the player base finds and reports bugs to the game’s developers.

Major game updates are also likely to disrupt trainers. If an anticipated update is on the horizon, releasing a trainer that will soon become obsolete is not generally advisable.

The trainer will be released as soon as humanly possible. Unfortunately, we cannot provide estimated release times due to the multitude of factors beyond WeMod’s control that influence the development process.


Thank you for clearing things up, very much appreciated!

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I hope we get some mods soon.

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