[No Spoilers] GTA:SA Secret Achievements

Here you go folks: All the secret achievements. They don’t have story mode spoilers. I can also confirm that the game doesn’t have any avatar awards.

Obs: you can find the other achievements here

Sweet, I’m stoked for this to come out.

Confirmed Here Really excited, was my favorite GTA in my childhood.

when does it come out??
my favourite gta is coming back :thumbsup:

Sunday or Monday!

IS this for xbox one or no?

Xbox 360 only unfortunately.

October 26, 2014 according to XboxAchievements

Thanks for the share Gabriel! :smile:

im buying it on sunday

I asked Rockstar support if it would be free if you already bought before they re-released it, and they said they have no information about it…sure hope it is, but I won’t mind having to buy it again

I have also bought it before too, wouldnt mind buying it again.