Nuclear Nightmare Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Nuclear Nightmare
This is the official discussion topic of the Nuclear Nightmare Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Infinite Health
2. No Fall Damage
3. Always 70ºF/21ºC
4. Set Current 38 Special Ammo
5. Set Current 7mm Ammo
6. Set Current Buckshot Ammo
7. No Reload
8. Infinite Flamethrower Fuel
9. Infinite Snowmobile Fuel
10. Infinite Helicopter Fuel
11. Stop Time
12. Infinite Flashlight Battery
13. All Doors Opened
14. Set Time Speed Multiplier
15. Add 1 Hour
16. Subtract 1 Hour
17. Instant Acceleration
18. Set Movement Speed Multiplier
19. Set Jump Height Multiplier
20. Teleport to Waypoint


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 12/04/2024
    Started development

  • 12/04/2024
    Released trainer with 20 cheats

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The Nuclear Nightmare cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 20 cheats

The teleport cheat currently spawns you under the map.

@TheeDoomSlayer I can’t really fix that. If it teleports you below the map, try moving the Waypoint somewhere else.

Hello, thank you much for making this trainer! I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this so it could be just me, but whenever I activate the trainer, everything works fine for a little while and then the game suddenly crashes.


I don’t have this game, but from experiencing something similar in a different game in the past, give this ago:

  1. Set the jump height to something relatively high.
  2. Jump.
  3. Teleport while in the air.

No guarantee this will help in this particular game, but won’t hurt to try. As long as you have the no fall damage cheat on too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Game crashes after a while.


Crashes after a while

Either it’s the trainer or the game has an anticheat


Hi, It’s currently in the testing queue. After it’s been tested, it’ll be considered for the creator queue if it requires an update. For now, you may want to use the Notify Me button once you clicked Learn Moreif you would like to be informed when updates are made.

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It’s likely the game itself.
As of a few days ago, the game is randomly crashing for quite a few of its players. Including those who do not use trainers. It’s an Early Access game by an indie dev, after all. :slight_smile:

Examples can be found in the game’s Steam discussion forum, ie:

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update for v1.4.4

Nuclear Nightmare might detect WeMod. That could be the reason why it crashes lately, I used the mods 2 hours after its release and it was fine, until the day after where it would begin crashing.

Maybe both? 'coz when I don’t use the trainer, it doesn’t crash.

And also, for me, it only crashes when I equip/use a weapon, don’t know about any items but mostly when I equip weapons. flamethrowers sometimes work.

Is there a way to add adding yourself points?
Or getting all cosmetics, dances and perks

Yeah, I’m also wondering if there is a way to have these types of features?

You can use Cheat Engine to add points to yourself, just set the search from “4 Byte” to “All” put in how many points you have. Search. > After you search, buy 1 perk, and update the search with the new value.
Repeat this until you have about 2 or so options remaining, and double click them down to the bottom part. Then you can edit the number of them both to be any number you want. and purchase cosmetics / perks with them.

As a new heads up to anyone who looks at this one, the update today seems to have made it keep crashing after about 5 minutes in game give or take


could you show me how to do this

Whenever a door is opened there seems to be a random chance for it to crash

teleport to waypoint does nothing but teleport under map, and I’m still testing but one of the options is crashing the game consistently after a few minutes

my nuclear nightmare is crashed while using mods, its happen frequently.

Heya, would it be possible you could make a new system for the reinforcement tokens so there’s more?
Cheers for the work done so far.