Offline, and not installing

Hi, I’m having some trouble installing Horizon. I had an older version installed and tried to run it as administrator, but it would only run in offline mode and didn’t see my USB. I updated it and had the same problem. I removed it completely and rebooted, tried to install the most recent version from here, but nothing shows up. The installation says it’s finished but I can’t find any shortcut or folder or .exe to run. I ran the setup again but it only gave me the option to uninstall and said there was nothing to remove. I rebooted again, redownloaded the installer, and the same thing; no exe and nothing to be removed. All of this was done with my AV and firewall disabled.

I am on Win10 64.

Take a look at this thread: Can't download horizon (windows 10)

Thanks for the reply, Mine is the admin account but I checked the Public desktop too. No luck.
I tried completely removing anything remotely related to Horizon or Daring Developments, rebooting, disabling everything AVG and Firewall, redownloaded and installed. I tried to create an exception in AVG but the folder doesn’t exist. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or what I’m missing. Possibly try in a windows 7 vm??

Edit: Even Win7 VM failed. I’m stuck… I’m trying to install a few custom world saves for my sons Minecraft. Anyone know of any way to do that without Horizon? Or have a solution for getting Horizon installed??

Edit: I was never able to solve the offline mode problem, but I was able to get the game saves re-signed. I moved the saves from USB to my desk top, opened one of my original saves and copied Console, Profile, and Device ID’s to notepad. Then I opened one of the modded saves, pasted the info, re-signed, moved them back to the USB then transferred back to the xbox. The only problem now is the saves show the correct title (silly dinosaurs, crazy world, whatever…) but they show up as regular new maps when he tries to play them. Any ideas???