This is the official discussion topic of the OKAMI HD Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Yen
3. Unlimited Ink
4. Unlimited Praise
5. Easy Kills
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
12/17/2017 Started development
12/17/2017 Released trainer with 5 cheats
08/02/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
The infinity Yen doesn’t give you enough to buy Brown Rage… You still have to grind and it limits your money at at a relatively now amount!! ¥2,000,000 is still very far away! Also Unlimited Health keeps your health at 4 which if you have maxed out your health spheres counts as low health so its always making an annoying beeping noise…
*Infinite health: Might be easier to have it set to take no damage? Either way it stays at 4 health and is irritating at higher health.
*Infinite Yen: too low of an amount, still have to save up.
Things to add:
*Unlimited Demon fangs?
*Literally anything for fishing
*Max speed?
That’s all! Of course some of this is more necessary than others, but please work on it if you have time!
“Revive this topic?” - Yes, definitely, Okami HD is still relevant and should be reversed. This is what I feel should of been in the trainer, but never saw fruition:
These are all good suggestions. Here’s what I’d like added to the trainer:
infinite fishing stamina
infinite double jump
unlock all techniques
infinite divine stamina (affected by cursed zones / swimming)
infinite items (any items you buy or obtain stay at the values)
Unfortunately, this trainer is unlikely to get updated. Because:
The developer of this trainer is retired from WeMod.
The game is 14 years old. The majority of player-base has moved onto other, newer games. Most of the newer generation of gamers won’t have even heard of this. It will struggle to get the votes it requires to be updated.
Thank you so much for the praise.
I guess you could say I thought of a lil’ bit of anything all of the time, a bit of anything all of the time, stagnation is a tragedy and boredom is a crime, a bit of anything, all of the time.
wemod is not working for me when I try to launch it. it keeps saying “Having Trouble finding your game” even tho the game itself still lunches when press play on wemod. Does anyone know what I can try to fix?