PAYDAY 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games

This is the official discussion topic of the PAYDAY 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. Instant Mask
4. Unlimited Armor
5. Super Jump (While Running)
6. No Fall Damage
7. No Movement Penalty
8. Shockproof
9. Flashbang Immunity
10. Concussion Grenade Immunity
11. Unlimited Cable Ties
12. Unlimited Equipment
13. Add 100M Cash
14. Add 100M Offshore
15. Add 30M Infamy Pool XP
16. Add 100 Skill Points
17. Level Up
18. Add 10 Levels
19. Add 1K Continental Coins
20. Unlimited Ammo
21. No Recoil
22. Instant Reload
23. Unlimited Grenades
24. No Spread
25. No Civilian Death Penalty
26. Unlimited Pagers
27. Instant Deployment
28. Instant Interactions
29. No Drill Jamming
30. Cops Don't Shoot
31. Set Game Speed
32. Unlimited Sentry Health
33. Unlimited Sentry Ammo
34. Super Fire Rate
35. Instant Weapon Swap
36. Slow Motion
37. Armor Piercing Rounds
38. Save Player Position
39. Teleport to Last Position


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 06/12/2023
    Started development

  • 06/12/2023
    Released trainer with 38 cheats

  • 06/19/2023
    Add 100M Cash cheat added
    Add 100M Offshore cheat added
    Add 30M Infamy Pool XP cheat added
    Set Game Speed cheat added
    Updated notes

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The PAYDAY 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 38 cheats

The “ADD 50 INFAMY LEVELS” does not work regardless of Infamous or not


I upgraded all my perks and after i played a mission then i closed my game, now my pers are saved i have over 500k skill points

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Hey, Idk what’s going on, but the cheats aren’t working for me. I managed to get into my game files and tried to see if I had the files I had to take care of for them to work, but they weren’t there at all and I’m completely lost on what to do. Please help, and before any answers come in, I got it from Epic Games.

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I have the same problem, hoping to get some help soon!!!

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Game got updated, mods cease to function. Wait for update

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So i have encountered a very big problem, everytime either by pure coincidence (The fact that the shortcut was the same as another command) or by actually knowing i was clicking the command for it, everytime you click on the level up commands either once or the 10 your level altough displayed as whatever you decided to go to your reputation is “0” for either your weapons or throwables sometimes even both and you’re unable to rid of this problem and you have to start over by deleting everything if you want to be able to use guns and whatnot. Is this something the devs have known about and is it going to be fixed?

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I’m playing Payday 2 on Epic Games and it seems non of the cheats work. Im in offline mode and I checked for WSOCK32 and IPHLPAPI and they aren’t in the game directory, It Seems this has been reported around Jun 14th, and a few other times after but no patch has been done

Ok well I can’t say non as all iv gotten to test is health and unlimited ammo

The mods (despite not having a mod for this) give you unlimited resources such as gasoline or c4 when you pick them up, this breaks heists such as the alesso heist, counterfeit and more as you are supposed to pick up items you place down. Because you have said item in your inventory you are not able to pick an item back up, soft locking you in the heist unless another player joins (without mods) OR you restart with no mods

All you need to do is load the cheats BEFORE a heist, such as unlimited health and ammo. Should work in online too

I need help with payday 2 getting it to run on mods

pls add the no-alarm

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Any possibility on getting a no alarm/invisible cheat added?

Oh unlimited favors and unlimited body bags, if possible

You could put an option in the mod, referring to advantages, add points for advantage, like 1 point or 10 equal to the mod.

Just downloaded this and would give a major FYI- when doing continental coins cheat DO NOT do a mission where you can fail (stealth only). Wasn’t sure how many coins I needed so I spammed it 54 times (54k coins) and failed said mission and the exp bar post mission is considered coins (1 coin per full bar) and now I’m stuck waiting for it to hit 54k. With game speed cheat maxed and a bottle opener on me key board it’s been over 10 min and I’m only at 15k smh.