PAYDAY2, mods not working

Try that cant hurt I guess worked for me before

how do I get it to work?

You don’t need that. It just deletes that appdata folder. I can’t come up with anything else to suggest. Maybe you need to reinstall the game.

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ok, I’m reinstalling the game right now. thanks for the help

Check for a iphlpapi. Dll in your game folder and delete it if it’s there

thank you n1cetomeetyou, deleting that file fixed it, just wondering what does that file I deleted do?

never mind, all it did was get the trainer running, it still does nothing.

Did the game have an update LATELY? .

Not according to the steam page.

Then I’m not sure what the problem is

Run and use cheats on a heist before trying stat cheats.

ok, I’ll try that