All P3 Reload skills I have found using ID 0001 to 0300
Note: Missing numbers are null skills or in Kanji Characters
(Created in Notepad)
Skill ID NAME In-Game description
0010 Agi Deals light Fire damage to 1 foe.
0011 Agilao Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe.
0012 Agidyne Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
0013 Maragi Deals light Fire damage to all foes.
0014 Maragion Deals medium Fire damage to all foes.
0015 Maragidyne Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
0016 Inferno Severe Fire damage to 1 foe
0018 Maralagidyne Severe fire damage to all foes
0020 Bufu Deals light Ice damage/Freezes 1 foe.
0021 Bufula Deals medium Ice damage/Freezes 1 foe.
0022 Bufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage/Freezes 1 foe.
0023 Mabufu Deals light Ice damage/Freezes all foes.
0024 Mabufula Deals medium Ice dmg/Freezes all foes.
0025 Mabufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage/Freezes all foes.
0026 Diamond Dust Deals Severe Ice damage to 1 foe/medium chance to freeze
0030 Garu Deals light Wind damage to 1 foe.
0031 Garula Deals medium Wind damage to 1 foe.
0032 Garudyne Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
0033 Magaru Deals light Wind damage to all foes.
0034 Magarula Deals medium Wind damage to all foes.
0035 Magarudyne Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
0036 Panta Rhei Deals severe Wind damage to one foe
0040 Zio Deals light Elec damage/Shocks 1 foe.
0041 Zionga Deals medium Elec damage/Shocks 1 foe.
0042 Ziodyne Deals heavy Elec damage/Shocks 1 foe.
0043 Mazio Deals light Elec dmg/Shocks all foes.
0044 Mazionga Deals medium Elec dmg/Shocks all foes.
0045 Maziodyne Deals heavy Elec dmg/Shocks all foes.
0050 Hama Light: chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
0051 Hamaon Light: instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
0052 Mahama Light: chance of instant kill, all foes.
0053 Mahamaon Light: instant kill, all foes (high odds).
0054 Samsara Light: instant kill, all foes (very high).
0057 Kouga Deals Medium Light damage to 1 foe
0058 Kougaon Deals heavy Light damage to 1 foe
0059 Makouha Deals weak Light damage to all foes
0060 Makouga Deals medium Light damage to all foes
0061 Makougaon Deals heavy Light damage to all foes
0062 Divine Judgement Light attach that reduces HO of 1 to 50%
0064 Mudo Darkness: chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
0065 Mudoon Darkness: instant kill, 1 foe (high odds).
0066 Mamudo Darkness: chance of instant kill, all foes.
0067 Mamudoon Darkness: instant kill, all foes (high odds).
0068 Die for Me! Darkness: instant kill, all foes (very high).
0086 Poison Mist Poisons all foes.
0087 Marin Karin Charms 1 foe.
0088 Sexy Dance Charms all foes.
0089 Bewilder Distresses 1 foe.
0090 Eerie Sound Distresses all foes.
0091 Pulinpa Makes 1 foe Panic.
0092 Tentarafoo Makes all foes Panic.
0093 Evil Touch Instills Fear in 1 foe.
0094 Evil Smile Instills Fear in all foes.
0095 Provoke Enrages 1 foe.
0096 Infuriate Enrages all foes.
0100 Ghastly Wail Instantly kills 1 foe who is fearful.
0101 Foul Breath Ailment susceptibility up, 1 foe (temp).
0102 Stagnant Air Ailment susceptibility up, all (temp).
0103 Life Drain Drains foe’s HP.
0104 Spirit Drain Drains foe’s SP.
0105 Virus Breath Deals dmg (25% of HP)/Poisons all foes.
0110 Power Slash Deals light Slash damage to 1 foe.
0111 Fatal End Deals medium Slash damage to 1 foe.
0112 Tempest Slash Heavy Slash dmg to 1 foe (multi-hit).
0113 Vacuum Slash
0114 Blade of Fury Medium Slash damage to all foes.
0115 Deathbound Deals heavy Slash damage to all foes.
0116 Brave Blade Deals heavy Slash damage to 1 foe.
0117 Vorpal Blade Heavy Slash dmg to all foes. “Great” bonus.
0118 Heaven’s Slash
0119 Getsu-ei Deals med Slash dmg to 1 foe. Full moon bonus.
0120 Zan-ei Deals med Slash dmg to 1 foe. New moon bonus.
0121 Neuro Slash
0125 Bash Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe.
0126 Assault Dive Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe.
0127 Gigantic Fist Deals heavy Strike damage to 1 foe.
0128 Swift Strike Light Strike dmg to all foes (multi-hit).
0129 Herculean Strike Deals medium Slash damage to all foes.
0130 Heat Wave Deals medium Strike damage to all foes.
0131 God’s Hand Deals severe Strike damage to 1 foe.
0132 Akasha Arts Deals heavy Strike damage to all foes.
0133 Sonic Punch Deals light Strike damage to 1 foe.
0139 Single Shot Deals light Pierce damage to 1 foe.
0140 Holy Arrow Deals light Pierce damage/Charms 1 foe.
0141 Torrent Shot Light Pierce damage to 1 foe (multi-hit).
0142 Vile Assault Heavy Pierce dmg, 1 foe. Knocked Down bonus.
0143 Arrow Rain Deals medium Pierce damage to all foes 1-4 hits
0144 Myriad Arrows Medium Pierce dmg to all foes (multi-hit).
0145 Cruel Attack Med Pierce dmg, 1 foe. Knocked Down bonus.
0146 Primal Force Deals severe Pierce damage to 1 foe.
0147 Pralaya Deals severe Pierce dmg/Frightens all foes.
0148 Poison Arrow Deals heavy Pierce dmg to 1 foe. Inflicts poison.
0155 Dia Slightly restores 1 ally’s HP.
0156 Diarama Moderately restores 1 ally’s HP.
0157 Diarahan Fully restores 1 ally’s HP.
0160 Media Slightly restores party’s HP.
0161 Mediarama Moderately restores party’s HP.
0162 Mediarahan Fully restores party’s HP.
0163 Salvation Fully restores party’s HP. Cures ailments.
0165 Recarm Revives an ally, restoring 50% of HP.
0166 Samarecarm Revives an ally, fully restoring HP.
0167 Recarmdra User’s HP becomes 1; allies’ HP restored.
0170 Patra Dispels Panic, Fear, and Distress for 1 ally
0171 Me Patra Dispels Panic, Fear, and Distress for party
0172 Baisudi Dispels Freeze/Shock/Poison/Down/Dizzy for 1 ally
0173 Mabaisudi Dispels Freeze/Shock/Poison/Down/Dizzy for party
0176 Amrita Shower Cures all ailments besides KO for party
0177 Amrita Drop Cures all ailments besides KO for 1 ally
0181 Rakukaja Increases 1 ally’s defense for 3 turns
0182 Sukukaja Increases 1 ally’s Hit/Evasion for 3 turns.
0185 Matarukaja Increases party’s Hit/Evasion rate.
0186 Marakukaja Increases party’s Defense.
0187 Masukukaja Increases party’s Hit/Evasion rate.
0188 Heat Riser Increases 1 ally’s Attack/Defense and Accuracy/Evasion for 3 turns
0190 Tarunda Decreases 1 foe’s Attack.
0191 Rakunda Decreases 1 foe’s Defense
0192 Sukunda Decreases 1 foe’s Hit/Evasion rate.
0195 Matarunda Decreases all foes Attack for 3 turns
0196 Matakunda Decreases all foes defense for 3 turns
0197 Masukunda Decrease all foes Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
0198 Debilitate Deceases 1 foes Attack/Defense and Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
0200 Dekaja Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes.
0201 Dekunda Nullifies stat penalties on party.
0205 Charge Next physical attack for deal more than 2x damage
0206 Concentrate Next magical attack for deal more then 2x damage
0207 Bloody Charge Consumes HP to increase Crit and damage of next physical attack
0210 Rebellion Increases Critical Rate of 1 ally for 3 turns
0211 Revolution Greatly increases Critical Rate for party for 3 turns
0215 Tetrakarn Barrier that reflects physical dmg 1x per ally.
0216 Makarakarn Barrier that reflects magic dmg 1x per ally.
0220 Fire Break Reduces 1 foe’s Fire resistance to average.
0221 Ice Break Reduces 1 foe’s Ice resistance to average.
0222 Wind Break Reduces 1 foe’s Wind resistance to average.
0223 Elec Break Reduces 1 foe’s Elec resistance to average.
0230 Sinful Shell Massive Almighty damage and medium chance of Dark Instakill to all foes
0231 Wild Thunder Severe Electric Damage to all foes. Low chance of inflicting Shock.
0232 Vacuum Wave Severe Wind damage to all foes
0233 Blazing Hell Severe Fire damage to all foes
0234 Ice Age Severe Ice damage to all foes. Low chance to inflict Freeze
0235 Cosmic Flare Severe Almighty damage to all foes
0236 One-shot kill Severe Pierce damage to 1 foe. High chance of Critical
0237 Rebellion Blade Massive Almighty damage to 1 foes. More to downed foe
0238 Masquerade Medium slash damage to all foes x2 hits, High critical chance
0239 Cross Slash Medium Slash damage to 1 foe (x2 hits)
0240 Magatsu Mandala Heavy Dark damage with medium chance of Fear or Confuse to all foes
0241 Shining Arrows Weak Light damage to all foes (4-8 hits)
0245 Full Analysis Full reveal the affinities of 1 foe
0246 Escape Route Return to entrance of Tartarus
0247 Jamming Prevents detection by enemies until entering battle or changing floors.
0248 Tartarus Search Full reveals current floor and provides a shortcut to next floor
0249 Slyphid Aura Increases party Attack/Defense and Hit/Evasion in next battle
0250 Shock Noice Inflicts Distress on all foes on the current floor
0260 Cadenza Restores 50% HP and increases hit/Evasion for all allies
0261 Jack Brothers Deals medium Almighty damage to all foes. High chance of inflicting Down
0262 King and I Heavy Ice damage to all foes, ignores resistance. Medium chance of Freeze
0263 Best Friends Next Physical/Magic attack will deal more than double damage for 1 ally
0264 Scarlet Havoc Deals severe Slash damage to all foes, ignores resistances
0265 Trickster Massive Almighty damage to all foes. High chance of Inflicting an ailment
0266 Armageddon Ultimate Almighty damage to all foes, but reduces users HP and SP to 1
0270 Oracle (unknown)
0271 Oracle (unknown)
0272 Oracle (unknown)
0273 Revelation (unknown)
0274 Revelation (unknown)
0275 Revelation (unknown)
0276 Revelation (unknown)
0277 Revelation (unknown)
0280 Cyclone Arrow Severe Wind damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0281 Hack n’Blast Severe Slash damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0282 Lightning Blast Heavy Electric damage to all foes, ignores resistances
0283 Blizzard Edge Severe Ice damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0284 Oracle 1 Random positive effect on all allies
0285 Orgia Mode Heavy Pierce damage to all foes, ignores resistances
0286 Divine Retribution Severe Light damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0287 Hounds of Hades Severe Dark damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0288 Bleedeing Fury Severe Strike damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0292 Tranquility Next magic attack for deal more than 2x damage to all foes
0293 Blaze of Life Massive Fire damage to 1 foe, ignore resistance. Fully restores user’s HP
0294 Electric Onslaught Massive Shock damage to 1 foe, ignore resistance. High chance of Shock
0295 Blade of Execution Massive Almighty damage to 1 foe and decreases all of their stats
0296 Revelation 1 random positive effect to all allies
0297 Maximum Firepower Severe Pierce damage to 1 foe, ignores resistances
0298 Divine Intervention Revives party, fully restores party HP and reflect 1 attack
0299 Power Howling Next physical attack will deal more then 2x damage to all allies (Allies
Taken from description in game)