Problems with modding Fallout NV gamesave

I figured I post this, since I see some ppl having problems after modding a gamesave for Fallout NV. The mod wont work if you saved the game on a dlc!, you have to save in the desert and than mod, also if you click NO, when asked if your using the pipboy, on the fallout NV modding tool, it will give you problems after loading the gamesave(Like character falling over, loading time lags, etc…

What I did was clicked yes when asked if using the pipboy and I mod away lol, Execpt for the leveling since my character is at 43… I left him that way. and it WORKD!:D:D:D

or do the more correct way of modding Bethesda games, and just pirate the game on PC, and transfer your save to use the console commands then transfer back (you don’t need a decent computer).