[Release] Black Ops Save Editor

:smiley: Great job been waiting for this.

More Like Can this be used for online?

Amazing work, unknown! I don’t care that it took so long, just the fact that you put hard work into this makes me happy!

Oh dayum. I <3 unkn0wn :smile:

Very Nice Thx for the mod :smile:

When i go to open it up i get an error saying “BlackOpsSaveEditor has encountered a problem and needs to close” any any to fix this?

Zombies??? :o

i dont play the story mode, but great work as always!!!

Can someone upload a save for me/

Remove all instances of DevComponents.DotNetBar2 from C:\Windows\assembly.

Dang, this got so many thanks in a matter of seconds. I don’t have black ops but I am going to thank it anyways because of all of the great work you guys do. I clicked the “about” on the CoD Tool (WaW and CoD4) and figured out you guys made that too! Thanks!

  • Please don’t quote long posts. Thanks, unknown v2!

^My bad

I cant see any think thats got .DotNetBar2

Nice Job!

Does it automatically rehash and resign the save?

Make sure you have the .NET framework v3.5 installed:
Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1


This is beast now I can beat campaign on veteran :smiley:


thank you!

OMG thanks bro trying it out right now !!

I Tried it and it worked. But i tried it offline. Would their be any chance of ban if i tried it online or do you guys not know yet?=\