[Request] New Skyrim Save Editor | Xbox 360

Loki’s skyrim gold editor has a 99.99% success rate. Using a barrel in solitude and 1717 gold.

I am only wanting to copy my xbox 360 save to PC. I tried modio, but it said my save files were zero bytes. I used Horizon and it was able to extract them. The PC version of Skyrim says the version of the save game is zero instead of nine. Anyway to fix this?

Have you played to save on your xbox 360 with the latest update installed?

No actually. Good point. Will give it a shot.

happy i stumbled here as it looks like people are actually entertaining the concept of still helping us still on the 360. I have a mod pack idea id like to get/ try a save file for if anyone here is interested/if its possible on 360 ? I’m assuming its simple but i know nothing aboutt his and my laptop is just a multi button toaster lol. If someone sees this and would like to help me out, i’ll be checking here and I have Kik with the same username as this. Thanks!!!

I’ll help if what you propose is actually doable.

player.additem 00065b94 1 ;Psiijic Robes
player.additem 00065b9b 1 ;Psiijic Boots
player.additem 00065b99 1 ;Psiijic Hood

player.setav destructionpowermod 2.2

player.additem 005ACE4 500 - Iron Ingot
player.additem 0003AD5B 500 -Daedra Heart
player.additem 0005AD9D 500 - ebony ingot
player.additem 000DB8A2 500 - Dwarven metal ingot.

i think that should do it.

Save 2 - Prisoner Skyrim 00.05.47.rar (2.3 MB)
this should work for you @Supersporkk if not please let me know(my 360 isnt hooked up righ tnow so i cant test)

I tried modding a borderlands t

What do you mean?

Only sent half the message by mistake

I was just saying I’m a bit of a noon when it comes to modding. for example I tried modding a borderlands save without experience once but if I even scrolled over it my Xbox wood freeze

I have a pre-modded skyrim save floating around here, if you are looking for one.

How would I get it?

I’ll find the link to the post, and the download is in it


Thanks dude this is realy help full , I’m just bummed I have to wait till Friday to download/use

just downloaded it , smiley:about to try it out :smiley:

obrigado Hawk já baixei seu save e vai ser de grande ajuda :grin: , eu to a dias tentando colocar um trainer ou um mod que funcione na minha versão de skyrim (34F5B6C3:base version 00000002) , minha primeira opção era achar um save editor pra poder modificar minhas habilidades no jogo , porém depois de algum tempo procurando percebi que não existia , depois disso tentei de tudo , e tudo que eu queria era poder ter um save modificado com meu próprio personagem criado , não apenas baixar o save zerado de outra pessoa da internet , eu nem sei como achei esse fórum e o seu comentário mas agradeço de verdade , valeu apena ter quebrado a cabeça todos esses dias , um abraço daqui do brasil amigo :hugs: fique bem onde quer que você esteja :grinning:

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Glad i could help in some way