Resident Evil 4 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

i have the same problem it crashes before i start game and says “fatal d3d error(25)” idk what do do… please help

which .dll do i have to remove
because I only have to play dinput8.dll for the trainer to work

so the .dll didnt work for me for about 2 weeks. tried again today and what i did was

  • put .dll file in RE4 biohazard folder with the Re4 application file.
    -start game with steam or double click app.
    -when at main menu click load game and load an AUTOSAVE, mine was about an hour behind my manual save
    -when game starts hit play on wemods.
    -just sit still until it says “playing” if you have pro, just use your phone to check.
    -if the game doesnt freeze or crash, good to go.
    This worked for me. sorry for the slow replies. This may not work for everyone but i will help whenever i check this discussion again.

I had a problem with god mode and unlimited, in chapter 10, I disabled and enabled the maximum life editor, then I save normally again.

Adjust play time is not working properly just up the time.
Please fix it or remove it.
Other cheats still work.

Adjust play time is busted. You can click reduce time once and it will go to 999:999 for time instantly. Please fix. I am legit on the final fight and want to get all achievements out of the way.

“so later upon the release-date”

  • the game works perfectly well
  • the trainer works perfectly well
  • the “dinput8.dll” is more bugier than ever, so spongi during starts (s*** overlay, needs to much VRAM and you can’t disable this s*** or if you can it wont be stayed disabled), the bypass helps Denuvo to connect and clasify the savegames as corrupted, so the server-response with instant-deletetation
  • “dinput8.dll” produces more errors than the first versions, with no equals how you do the bypass or your graphic settings are

We should wait more times!!!

For me, sometimes it works, sometimes it’s totally crash the game (Error 25) no matter how I’ll do the bypass.

any threat in defender you can allow/restore, it will be in the Actions part when you click the V

The solution is so simple!

  • Don’t pick a specific file and replace it, this is the only factor causing the crash problem.
  • Move the files and place them in the local file of the game as a whole.
  • I tried it and resulted in success.
  • Just give it a shot and if your problem is ever solved, you can thank me.

It’s been a few months since I played now, no new updates, and the wemod still isn’t fixed.
People are saying they changed nothing, but why does my game keep instantly crashing when loading a save?
If nothing has been changed, why am I having crash issues that never happened before April?

This keeps crashing the game i even tried dinput8.dll and nothing still works. either take it off or fix it. I’m not renewing subscription to wemod since this trainer/cheats is broke as hell

The bypass is created by a 3rd party and unfortunately is the only known anti-cheat bypass so it cannot be changed. I recommend reaching out the creator of the bypass directly if you need assistance.

do not work on mephisto repack

WeMod does not support cracked games.

yeah wemod crashes my game even without the mods on

Continuing the discussion from Resident Evil 4 Cheats and Trainer for Steam:

Sorry if this is not the place to get help with this, but I wasn’t sure where else to post for it. The discord said to come here, anyways hello I’ve been having a problem with RE4 and the Wemod where I have the app running as it should but there is a bug where when Leon gets hit (even though I don’t have the health settings on), and he continues on a loop of getting hit and it doesn’t stop (he doesn’t die). I have already verified the game files on steam, and it came up with 1 invalid file and got patched. This also only happens with the wemod on so idk what else to look for. I’ve been testing for some hours, and it seems when wemod is on it also allows for enemies that grab at you, that actually get you, to insta kill you, it skips the breakout buttons completely. I also wanted to mention that I have one mod installed from nexus mods, if that is any help, but it’s only the small keys for the merchant for purchase one. Again, I apologize if this is not the way to get help and sorry it a long explanation.


  • Infinite ammo stays active even on newly created stacks of ammo, never decreasing.
  • unlimited items also has this effect. Reloading an weapon doesn’t reduce ammo counts.
  • This could, HIGHLY, be my version of wemod, based on what TaskManager++ told me of some of the properties of my install. But yes, it seems this is an active bug for me either way.

could you please add Highlight Items & Interactables

since the new dlc has come can we pls get an update

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Tested this morning with the dlc and the damage multiplier and defense functions work perfectly (I didn’t try other options, I had those two activated since the campaign)

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