Risk of Rain 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

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More information: Game Queue - WeMod Support

None of Wemods cheats are meant for multiplayer so there will be bugs

wasnt trying to use it during mp i was using it during single player :slight_smile:

The Risk of Rain 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

is there anyway to make WeMod run r2modman ?

There has been new updates and the cheats don’t work anymore.

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When playing on a private lobby the cheat “give 5k” gives it to the one in my lobby, not me.

The rest are perfect however :slight_smile:

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money cheat doesnt seem to work like AngelofDeatth said

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Though the cheats do need an update with the DLC’s release, the health and shields, at least, do still work.


More options gonna be added? This might be free but it is sorely lacking in terms of what some other mods offer.


Please update cheats!!


Hey there stinger i recently made a hack for this game which spawns command essence (basically an item that can be turned into any item you like in the specified rarity you can get these by activating the artefact of command) i was wondering if you would like to use it in the new update as it could be very useful also in your previous hack when one-shot was enabled the enemies had 1 shot as well this is because of stats scaling the enemies difficulty and infinite health and shields may be better replaced by a frozen value instead of ludicrous amounts i have a few helpful tips if you would like as ive been modding this game for a while. im yet to do it but you may also be able to tap into the already implemented console you can access it by pressing CTRL+ALT+`


I am sure I speak for everyone when I say this would be super fun to have and would love this!


Seems that the trainer update has been #1 in queue for quite a while but no update. I can’t use the money cheat, the one hit kill cheat, or the infinite jumps cheat. Anyways, thanks for the trainer though!

i boosted it up from 6th place, its only been 2 days, give them time

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with the new character, ability cooldown cheat doesnt work, any workaround?

50/50 on working i sometimes get it where the cooldown shows its going; but i can spam right click. fast shot doesn’t work though.

I boosted the heck out of it as well. I’m sure it will be done soon ^.^

using your remaining 380 boosts on a game you love, that is the way of life

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The Risk of Rain 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements