Risk of Rain 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

No cooldown appears to be not working for Commando. Anyone else having issues? 5k money is also not working, even after the newest update.


I found that playing for about a minute or two before enabling any cheats fixed any issues I had. I recommend playing for a bit before using the “5k money cheat” as well, this seems to be what was messing with the HUD disappearing. I am unable to corroborate this though, so some input from other players would be welcome.

Thanks again STiNGERR for the quick updating!

tried the trainer out just now and suddenly my hud was gone

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everything works for me so dunno what your issues are

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Make sure to AT LEAST exit the Escape Pod before using any cheats with this latest update. I typically play for a minute before enabling any of them. Specifically the “5k Money” cheat, as this seemed to make my HUD disappear if I spammed the assigned key before exiting the Escape Pod. Good luck!

The cheats works for me and its 's very cool. Can you also put add 5k lunar coins please? Thank you.

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well, you can modify how many lunar coins you have in the game’s config file. edit that number and you’ll have that many from the start since lunar coins are “universal” and aren’t limited to one run. just give type in a large number and you’ll be fine.

The Risk of Rain 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Thanks for the quick update!

Don’t know for sure what’s causing it, but no mods, no alterations, latest game with DLC as is, One-Hit Kill has been crashing my game in some way every time I use it. It will succeed in instantly killing enemies, but whether it’s a hard CTD or a soft lock by preventing movement, it is the only cheat that’s causing it.

I’ve also had it cause my attacks and abilities to just stop working utterly. Every time so far I’ve been playing MUL-T. Might be an issue with the Special that swaps your abilities?

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Hey can you add a thing to get lunar coins

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For some reason unlimited jumps and adding money doesn’t work for me

The Risk of Rain 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

hud turn off after enable cheat

Same issue, HUD disappearing after the cheats are enabled, used health and jumps so far.

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The Risk of Rain 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Will it be available for the EPIC game store version?

it needs a way to add newt/lunar coins


tried to play some RoR2 today. All cheats OFF. game crashed multiple times. gave error code that the .exe was NOT in the correct location for read /write in steam file. tried several times including restarting wemod launcher, restarting PC, testing with Steam already running and forcing Steam to open via Play from launcher.

have not been able to get the game to run at all using launcher.


Money Cheat isn’t working for me? not sure whats going on

Tried to launch Risk of rain 2 with no cheats active and the game crashed. Now game won’t even launch through Wemod.