This is the official discussion topic of the Rocket League Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Unlimited Boost
2. Add 10 Player 1 Score
3. Subtract 10 Player 1 Score
4. Add 10 Player 2 Score
5. Subtract 10 Player 2 Score
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
03/16/2017 Started development
03/16/2017 Released trainer with 8 cheats
04/13/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/21/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/28/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/12/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
12/24/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/16/2019 Add 10 Player 1 Score cheat added Subtract 10 Player 1 Score cheat added Add 10 Player 2 Score cheat added Subtract 10 Player 2 Score cheat added Updated notes
12/20/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/20/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/15/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements Updated notes
@Ravenfyre tried running game via steam and then going to WeMod and pressing Play, received the same Notification “These cheats were made for 32-bit version of the game. You’re running the 64-bit version of the game” I think the games needs to be updated for the 64-bit?
There were very few people who ever used this trainer so we do not have plans to update it. If you want a trainer for practice install bakkesmod which is approved by the developers.
There is not a trainer for epic. Not sure if we plan on making one as the game is pretty old but you can Google a cheat called bakkes mod which works well and is approved by the game devs