Roots of Pacha Cheats and Trainer for Steam

The Roots of Pacha cheats have been updated!


  • All Animal Attune Minigame Hits Are Perfect cheat added
  • Unlimited Flute Charges cheat added

how does the slot amount cheat work?

Trainer still working fine with the 1.1 update :slight_smile:

Was able to dupe items just fine, add contribution points, enhance walk speed and so on. All working perfect!

@ PrincessSimmer13 hope you figured it out by now but you just need to press the button and your items in first inventory slot will get the amount that wemod says, so pressing key many times will give you always more. It may show in game only after opening inventory again if you were in it

tiles always wet is not working

Can confirm that tiles always wet is not working.

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I hope they update the trainer soon, these modifications no longer work (Set Movement Speed Multiplier, Tiles Always Wet, [Slot 1] Set Amount, [Slot 1] Set Max Amount, Set Contributions, Set Prosperity), I would like them to add the modification to stop/freeze time.

Could you add a freeze time option?


Update of the trainer would be nice.
Some mods work some donā€™t anymore after a year and there has been updates to t he game.

Itā€™s been months and still nothingā€¦ have they abandoned the game?

Hi thank you so much for doing this for us. I was just wondering if you could do an update for time stopping? I love not having a time frame to finish everything and would love to not feel anxious with a time frame lol love your work so far:)

Hi! Is that the only mod thatā€™s not working for you? How about the other cheats?

no everything else works just was wondering if you can make a freeze time mod?

I misread your post, my bad. I thought you were having issues with one of the cheats. But Iā€™m glad to hear everything works fine. And about the freeze time, you can leave your suggestion here, and they might consider adding it.

The Roots of Pacha cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Is it possible to add a relationship cheat? Like multiplying the amount of points you get for talking/giving gifts?

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No Friendship Decay option, if possible? Thanks for all your work.

Agreed, relationship cheat would be really helpful now they are adding so much stuff related to relationships but can just dupe mango with the trainer and relationships go up fast enough :slight_smile: Awesome trainer!